Chapter 37

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So, I simply can't process the fact that I've written a little over 80k words so far for this story. I can never complain about school essays again 😭

Tensions were high after that dreadful mission. Everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong, causing a big headache for everyone involved.

Cassie was in hysterics when she returned to the apartment that night. She knew Sirius saw and recognized her. It was only a matter of time before he outed her to the Order.

Luckily for her though, Tonks wasn't passed out like Remus was. Since she saw everything, she was able to just barely convince Sirius that it wasn't actually Cassie, it was simply dark and his eyes played tricks on him. As expected though, this didn't go over well with him. Sirius' stubborn self was sure that it was Cassie, but after a while, he reluctantly agreed it probably wasn't her.

Granted, he did agree with Tonks it probably wasn't her, but not definite. Sirius wanted to believe Tonks with all his heart that it wasn't his daughter he saw that night, but he couldn't shake the part of him that was still suspicious. He knows his daughter's face, and he made sure to continue to relay those suspicions every time Tonks or Remus made an appearance to Grimmauld.

Both of them knew of his high suspicions still, so they wanted Cassie to lay low for now. Knowing his best friend, Remus knew he would jump at the chance to interrogate Cassie, and with the gash on her cheek, there would be no way to convince him it wasn't her.

The three of them all thought it would be best for Cassie to remain at the apartment while the cut healed, but as usual, things never go to plan for her.

Cassie was laying on the couch, browsing through the Daily Prophet, when the front door squeaked open. Tonks and Remus weren't supposed to be home until tonight as they're at a special Order meeting, so she quickly pulled out her wand.

"Hey! It's just us!" Tonks announced at the sight of Cassie's wand in her face.

Lowering her wand with a sigh of relief, she immediately furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Wait, why are you guys back? I thought it would be later?" she questioned.

Remus sighed, "We thought so too. It was a typical special meeting, but when Dumbledore showed up he was wondering where you were. Apparently you're needed at this meeting."

"What?! I can't go though, what about Sirius?" she exclaimed in shock.

"That's what we said too. We told Moody what happened out of ear shot from Sirius, but he's adamant that you have to come," Tonks explained.

"My cover will be blown as soon as I walk through the door with this gash though," Cassie said.

"We know that," Remus agreed, "that's why we're going to do a concealment charm over it."

"Those aren't fully effective though, if you look at the place charmed at just the right angle, you can notice a flaw in it," she indicated wearily.

Remus hummed in agreement, "It's a risk we're going to have to take."

"I don't like this," Cassie mumbled.

"Neither do we," he said, "but it's the only choice we have."

"At least you'll be able to see Fred!" Tonks added to attempt to relieve some stress.

"I guess..." Cassie trailed off. "So, if we're going through with it, who's going to do this charm then? I was never very good at concealment charms when training with Moody so I don't trust myself doing it."

Tonks instantly held her hands up in protest, "Not me! I'm probably just as bad as you, never really needed to learn how to do them if you know what I mean," she joked, referencing her being a metamorphagus.

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