Chapter 2

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Sirius didn't stay long after his and Cassie's first awkward encounter. Barely a minute passed after they greeted each other when Dumbledore whisked him away to send him on a mission about something called the "Order of the Phoenix". As quick as she was reunited with Sirius, she was left alone once again.

The next week Cassie endured the most pain you could imagine mourning the loss of Cedric. Although Serena suffered tremendously as well, everyone could see how broken Cassie was. Something deep inside her snapped that day she cried over her boyfriend's dead body. She wasn't the same Cassie, and she never would be that girl again.

Cassie sat on her trunk outside of King's Cross twirling her wand in her hand, blocking out the bustling sounds of the train station. She sat there staring off into space reminiscing on the times before her heart was ripped from her chest just one month ago.

Suddenly, someone was snapping in her face trying to get her attention.

"Cassie, come on, I've called your name at least three times."

Cassie looked up to see Tonks standing in front of her with her hands on her hips.

"Hey Tonks, sorry, I spaced out" she mumbles with a sad smile.

Tonks sighs and wraps her arm around the short girl, "Don't worry about it, let's get out of here we don't have much time at home."

"Huh? What do you mean we don't have much time at home, it's the start of summer?" Cassie says confused.

"Mom and I will explain at home, I can't say much here, you never know who's listening," she whispers.

With a nod of her head Cassie grips onto Tonks arm as they side-along apparate back to the Tonks residence.

Cassie groans, "I will never get used to that, I hate apparating."

Tonks chuckles as her Mom opens the front door.

"My baby! It's so good to see you, I've missed you so much, how are you doing sweetie?" Andromeda exclaims as she pulls Cassie into a hug.

"Wow Mom, not even a hello?" Tonks says sarcastically.

Andromeda waves her off, "Oh, be quiet, I see you almost every day Nymphadora."

Tonks hair turns to a shade of red, "Don't call me Nymphadora Mother, you know how much I hate that horrendous name you chose."

She simply rolls her eyes as she ushers Cassie into their living room to talk to her.

Once they are sitting, Andromeda starts to stroke Cassie's hair, pulling her into a side hug. Although she's merely just an Aunt to Cassie, she has grown to care for her as a second child after raising her all these years.

"Please talk to me baby, I've heard everything that has happened, you don't have to hide your emotions with me. I know how much you must be hurting." Andromeda says softly.

Hearing her Aunt say this caused Cassie to break into tears for the first time since Cedric's funeral. She's refused to let herself cry, but being back in the arms of the person that's basically her Mom was too much for her to handle.

"I-I just miss him s-so much. Why'd he have to leave m-me" she stutters through sobs.

Andromeda frowns at her words, "I don't know why these things happen sweetie, I really don't, but he hasn't left you, not really. He'll always be with you in your heart and the pain won't always be this bad."

Cassie sniffles while rubbing her eyes, "I know, I just wish he didn't have to be the one to die. I loved him so much."

Andromeda remained there holding Cassie in her arms comforting her while she cried into her chest. She has had dozens of people comforting her throughout the past month, but nothing beat being with the person in her life closest to a Mother.

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