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It was New Year's Eve and Jeremy and I were on the drive up to his cabin for a couple of days. At the time it seemed like a good idea,I'm definitely regretting my decision to rope him into coming up here now since things are so awkward between us.

Very awkward-Like unbearable silence awkward!! That stupid kiss the night of the funeral,what the hell was I thinking just kissing him like that? Our family Christmas with the Austin's was silence between Jeremy and I for the most part. I think both Ava and Tom figured the reason for my quietness was that I was still grieving for my Father.

They would be right in thinking so,at least partly. I'm still finding it hard to come to terms with my Father's passing. Having them both gone now,is leaving a hole inside that can never be filled.

Jeremy sighed,in the drivers seat."Are we ever going to talk about what happened that night of the funeral?I already tried to bring it up with you before,but you weren't having it."

Yes,He tried to talk to me about it but it but I wouldn't give him that chance. Can you really blame me for not wanting to feel like an even bigger idiot than I already was.

"I'm okay with not talking about it.We don't need to go there,Jeremy."I folded my arms across my chest,and looked out my window. It was December 31st and it was snowing out,the snow was harshly hitting against the window and building up on the glass.

"Well we're going there."I could see his reflection in the glass as he took his eyes off the road and glanced in my direction."That kiss shouldn't have happened."

"I know it shouldn't have."I butted in, with an attitude. He wants to make me feel like an idiot whether I like it or not.

"That night-It shouldn't have happened that night."He threaded his fingers through his dark hair in frustration."It was the day of your Father's Funeral and you were a mess. I didn't want to take advantage by taking things further than just a kiss."

I really didn't think about that. As well as that,I didn't actually think that Jeremy Austin would be that considerate of my emotional state to turn down a kiss..Or more than that as he was thinking.

I looked at the road ahead,rolling my lips together in thought."Well you could have told me that at the time instead of just walking away. It would have saved a lot of awkwardness."

"Well I tried to-The following day."He sighed,placing his hand back on the wheel."It doesn't matter. I'm going to pull over and top up the car,if you want to get out and stretch your legs."

I unbuckled my seat belt when Jeremy pulled into the 24hr gas station. He stepped out of the car and I followed after him."I'm going inside,Do you want something to eat or to drink maybe?"

He turned his head in my direction. "Coffee,Please."He turned back around and continued filling up the car.

I walked into the empty gas station, smoothing down my hair that was full of white little flakes of snow. I was so cold,like practically shivering as I grabbed the two to go coffee's and some doughnuts. I didn't think Jeremy would eat something with so much sugar,but I was hungry.

I walked out of the gas station minding my own business,when I accidentally hit into a man and spilled some of my coffee over the lid."Oops,I'm so sorry!"I smiled,and lifted my head up and looked in the man's direction as he walked into the gas station. The man that totally ignored my attempt at an apology.

I furrowed my brows as I looked at him from behind. His hair-His frame...From behind he looks a little like...

"Vanessa.."Jeremy called my name."Are you coming?"

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