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Early Morning I was standing by the kitchen counter,rubbing my pained back from spending the night on Jeremy's bedroom floor. I had no choice in the matter! I'm trying to keep certain boundaries between us so there's less confusion.

He's so Hot and Cold!!

One minute he's kissing my face off and the next he's turning back into an arrogant asshole. It's quite clear that he doesn't want to discuss what happened.
But the boundaries need to be in place,so it doesn't happen again.

"Looks like someone has back pain this morning."Jeremy crossed the room towards me."I wasn't happy about you invading my space,Vanessa..But you didn't have to spend the night on the floor."

"Could I have trusted you not to try anything. You have kissed me on two occasions now."I smirked,standing by the kitchen island.

"Mistake,Vanessa. It was a Mistake." Jeremy walked around the island and poured fresh coffee into his usual Black coffee cup."So do I really have to go to this thing tonight? It's Friday!"

It's Friday!! Of course. He doesn't want to miss out on his Friday night lay with some random girl that gives it up too easily.

"Unless you want your Mother on your case about it,I'd say your attendance is mandatory. We can swap days,I'll make myself scarce tomorrow instead."
I pulled my wrap cardigan up my arms and tied it,before grabbing my pointe shoes and Gym bag."I'll see you later."

"Where are you going?"Jeremy set his coffee cup down and walked around the island."Your Brother is upstairs."

"I'm going to the studio,I need to put in some time before tonight.
Finley is asleep,He'll probably just spend the day studying for his big Exam that's coming up."

He braced his hands on his hips."So you're just going to Fuck off and leave us alone together."
He sighed."That's just great,Isn't it!!"

I slung my bag over my shoulder."I'm sure he'll survive you,Jeremy. I have."
I was smirking as I walked the hallway towards the front door.

Leaving my Brother alone with my Arranged Husband wasn't something that I was worried about. Finley and I talked about this last and he's okay with me going missing for a few hours.
Besides coming out of his room for something to eat,Jeremy won't see him. He's planning on spending the entire day with his head in his books.


I wiped the sweat from my brow after a couple of hard hours at the studio.
I practice my routine over and over again,without so much as a sit down.
My nerves were getting the better of me now,with only a few hours left until show time.

What if I screw this up?

What if I trip and fall or if I mess up a certain part? There's going to be many there that know me. Damn it, I'm sure the tickets sold out just because I'm the wife of Jeremy Austin.
It's too late to back out now,even though the thought had crossed my mind over the past 48hrs.

The door to the studio opened and I turned around. Alex was walking towards me in his Gym attire. Of course he had his usual smile on his face,like nothing in this world could faze him.

I smiled at him."Hi,You!!"

"I was walking past when I saw you in here,you look like you're working hard."Alex circled his arms around me in a hug.

The Austin Arrangement Where stories live. Discover now