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Even though the weather was cold this time of year in Scotland,Jeremy and I were taking a stroll around the grounds of the hotel. We were both bundled up,but we still had cold cheeks as we walked against the light breeze.

"I was surprised to see you drinking so much yesterday.How are you feeling?"He asked,turning his head in my direction.

"I'm feeling better,Thanks to you!"My lips quirked upwards."The paracetamol that you gave me worked fast. I feel a little more human now."

"You definitely look like you have a little more colour in your face."He stopped walking and reached up and stroked my cheeks."Your cheeks are freezing. Do you want to go back in?"

"In a minute,Let's walk some more."I linked my arm with his and we walked at a slow pace."I like it here,it's such a beautiful place. I don't even mind the cold that much."

"I can tell!"He smirked at me."I booked a table in the hotel restaurant for tonight. I thought we could have dinner together since we're flying home in the morning."

"Dinner sounds nice."My new lingerie has been ready and waiting for weeks now. Maybe tonight is the night! We're away at a fancy hotel and we're going down to the restaurant for dinner and drinks. It has to be tonight.

Jeremy and I were sitting across the table from each other,enjoying our meal with candles lighting between us. The mood was romantic. There was even a pianist playing music for couples to dance too.

I was wearing a pretty white dress over my navy blue lingerie bodysuit.I was feeling good about myself,especially with his eyes on me. Jeremy Austin has a way of making me feel special.

He was cute. Well he was looking his usual spectacular self. A handsome Billionaire,with the darkest eyes I've ever seen. The white shirt that he was wearing was fitted to his muscular body.

I remember hearing things about that cock of his. A cock made by the God's, at least that's what women say. I guess tonight is the night that I find out for myself.

Jeremy filled my glass with expensive champagne."Just the one glass for you, I don't want you getting drunk on me again."

I wonder does he get the feeling that it's going to happen tonight. There was definitely a lot more sexual tension in the air than usual.

I smiled at him."It sounds like you have plans for me,Jeremy!"

"We fly home tomorrow morning-so you better believe that I have plans for you."He threw me a wink before picking up his glass and taking a sip."I noticed your lingerie in the bathroom this morning."

"Oh,You did!"I picked up my flute glass and drank the bubbles with a smirk. His eyes were on me as I set my glass back down on the table."I bought that lingerie a couple of weeks back...For a special night."

Jeremy's lips quirked upwards into a devilish smile."And that special night is tonight?"

I shrugged my shoulders lightly. "Possibly, I guess only time will tell."I was teasing him and I knew it. I knew that I was making it hard for him to get through the rest of my meal with that on his mind.

And with that Jeremy rested back in his chair and stared at me intently.
Of course he's happy that the wait is almost over and he can have me just like he's wanted to. I'm sure he has an erection at the thought of it.

"I'm going to use the ladies."I smiled at him and stood from the table."I'll be back."I turned around and walked across the restaurant,towards the bathroom.

I did a double take when I saw his familiar dark hair and frame standing at the bar. No,It can't be! I'm just being silly. Of course his back was to me so I couldn't see his face,honestly it just made it all the more sinister.

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