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I'm an Austin now which means I could no longer work at Trix Bar,the bar that I've been working at for years. My hope was to continue working there so I wouldn't have to take much from the Austin's,but I understand that it isn't really proper.
Wife of a Billionaire,pouring pints and wiping down tables it's not a believable story.

I still had my job at the Gym at least.

I teach Ballet on Mondays and Thursdays to cute little kids that want to learn how to dance.
Fridays I teach Couples Ballroom classes,that's where I met Tom actually but that's a story for another day.
Ballet is my life,it's something that's been a part of me ever since my Mother gave me a pair of Ballet slippers when I was five years old.
As a young girl I dreamed of making it big,teaching young girls my skills in my own ballet studio.

At the age of 22 I was pushing myself hard in Dance school,to be the best that I could be but when my parents were in a head on collision a year ago I found it hard to keep going.
I was at a loss for months and unable to focus, then the bills came and I had no choice but to drop out.
My Brother and his career came first and I don't regret a thing.He's more important.

So here at the Gym,it isn't just a place of exercise and weight lifting.
There's a lot going on between Gymnastics, Swimming Classes, Fitness training and the dance Classes that are held in the studio.

"Arabesque."I said,and the young girls and boys supported themselves on one leg,while the other leg was directly behind the body with a straight knee.

I was also doing it as an example but there was quite a few giggles because not many could keep on their feet."And down."All kids rested back on two legs."Good Job,Guys.That was fantastic."

I looked down at my watch and noticed our time was up for today."Okay,That's times up for today I'm afraid. But I'll see you same time again on Thursday."

I always hate when classes are over, I would do this all day if I could.
Having my own Ballet Studio is a dream that is safe to say will never come true.

"My Mommy said you Married a Handsome rich man last week,Miss Vanessa."Addie asked, in her group of five girls.

I suppose it was expected that everyone would find out and gossip about it.Now I have Kids asking me questions about my marriage to my fake husband."Yes,I got married over the weekend."

"What's his name?"Henry shouted.

I chuckled,at how excited they all were.They're so young,they don't even know how Fucked up life can be just yet."His name is Jeremy Austin."

"Now we can call her Mrs Austin because she's his wife."Stacey slung her bag on her shoulder and walked closer to me."Is he cute?"

"Um,Sure.He's cute."Cute definitely wasn't a word I would use to describe Jeremy, but there's little ears around so I played along.

"My Mommy said he's a Hunk."Addie said,bracing her hands on her hips like a little miss.

I think her Mommy needs to watch what she's says around her Daughter.
The door to the studio opened saving me from anymore questions about my new husband."There's your parents to collect you."

"Bye Mrs Austin."

I waved the kids off as their parents collected them by the door."See you on Thursday."

All kids had left,usually after class I would stay and get a couple of hours in myself. But today is different,today I move into Jeremy's home.
Tom and Ava are collecting me at my apartment to take me there and get settled in.

"That's a new Tutu!!"

I turned around and Alex was crossing the studio towards me. As a personal trainer he was a usual sweaty mess."Hi You."

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