CHAPTER 13: Fuel To The Fire!!

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If things between my Arranged wife and I weren't bad enough,now I have to sit through a dinner of 6 and play the role once again.
My life is just one big fucking act,like a play I didn't want to be apart of from the very beginning.

Things between us are twisted now more than ever,ever since our foolish attempt at a three way. Fuck!! I don't even know what that was.
Vanessa was partly naked in front of me,kissing Alissa like she had done it a thousand times.I was already riled up,but witnessing that before me just made it worse.
A man has his needs and I had gone a week without mine being met.How the fuck was I suppose to restrain myself in a situation like that.

Nine more fucking Months!!

"Jeremy,Do you want to check on your wife and see if she's okay?"My Mother asked,as she set the meal in the middle of the table.

"I'm sure she's fine."I dished some food onto my plate feeling their eyes on me.

Do men really do these things for their wives? Hold their hands in everything they do,treating them like they're incapable of doing things for themselves.
My Mother is trying her best to mould me into this perfect devoted husband, which it's clear that I'm not but she's trying all the same.

It's just a waste of time in my opinion, I am who I am..Wife or not. There's no changing me.
For now I'll play the role to keep everyone happy,but when this year of marriage is over..I'M DONE!!

"Jeremy.."My Mother glared at me,giving me the stone cold look I've become familiar with over the years.
Not my younger years,but the older ones.

I placed my cutlery down and stood from the table without a word.
I was starving after a long day at the office,on top of that I was pissed that I couldn't even enjoy a meal and leave.
I walked the stairs towards my old bedroom,the door was partly opened and I extended my hand and pushed it even further.

Adding Fuel to the Fire!! She was undressed,well as undressed as I had ever seen her.
A matching baby blue Bra and panties were on show from behind,while she moved a navy dress up her legs.
Look Away,I willed myself. Tare your eyes away and leave the room.
You don't even like the woman..Not one bit!!

Vanessa turned slightly and jumped when she saw that I was standing by the door."Jeremy,What are you doing"Her words had come out shaky.

"Well my mother was rather insistent that I come check up on you,you've been up here awhile."

"You didn't give me time to change at the studio."She slipped her arms into the tight fitted midi dress and moved it over her shoulders.
"Were you watching me from the door all this time?"

I scoffed,walking into the room."It's not as if you were hiding,the door was open."

Her eyes followed me as I passed her and she turned around so I couldn't see her exposed back,her zipped was down and I knew she wasn't able to do it up herself. That had me smirking even more. WOMEN!!

I looked through the many books on my bookshelf,books that had belonged to the old me. Back when I had time to read,when I had less important things to do with my day."Who was that Guy in your studio?"

"Um,He's a friend. Alex is his name."

I chuckled."Friend,Yeah Right! He looked like a lot more than just a friend from where I was standing.
If you're screwing him be discreet about it."

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