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My Father fell back against the wooden table,immediately holding his hand over his nose. My mother was straight to his side to assess the damage that I had caused. Was she angry with me-I didn't know and I didn't care! She looked more concerned about the blood that was coming from his nose than anything else.

He's got what he deserved!!

"I didn't mean for things to turn out this way.."My Father was looking at me whilst rubbing his face with a white handkerchief."I didn't do this to hurt you,Son."

"Bullshit you fucking didn't!"I roared,at him."You wanted to get me back for all the shit that I pulled in the past-For all the times that you had to clean up after me."

"No,Jeremy! That's not how it was!"He sighed,in frustration."This was just about Vanessa,it was about making up for what happened that night. Her FAMILY!"

I scoffed."Jesus!You really thought that having that woman marry me was the best way of doing that. You're fucking delusional. I can't believe you did this to me...To her!"

"Jeremy,Please!!"My mother sobbed.

"Don't!"I looked at my Mother."I might have done the damage that night but he's the one that's made this ten times worse. What's worse is you knew about this and you've been pushing us both together."

I share a last name with Vanessa for the sake of the Arrangement we made all those months ago,I call her my wife.. All the while unknown to me that I've caused her the greatest pain imaginable.

There's no way back from this..

No way back!!

"You were both so happy,maybe you couldn't see it at the time but as your mother I could."My mother sobbed."I wanted her to know the truth,but she seemed like she was finding her way and I didn't want to ruin that."

"It was already ruined. We were tainted from the start."I turned my back to them both with a sigh,gripping the handle of the door. "I don't want to hear from either of you,just stay out of my life."

I walked out of the room and slammed the door behind me. Hitting my Father didn't calm the rage inside, if anything it just made it worse. I couldn't bare to look at his face another second-That man is dead to me!!  

Upon walking away from the room and up the hallway,I noticed Vanessa chatting heatedly to a man that I didn't know. Immediately I became more enraged than I already was. As if things weren't already bad enough!

What the fuck is going on here?

Vanessa noticed me and walked my way. The man stayed where he was, just watching us from afar. Who the hell is he? His face-I feel like I've seen him before!! But where?

"Jeremy,I was coming to look for you? Are you okay?"She asked. She looked a little on edge like she was nervous about something,perhaps the man that I just caught her talking too.

"I'm fine."I growled,knowing that she didn't deserve my mood but I couldn't help it. I was fuming,so anyone that came close was in the firing line."Who is that guy?"

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