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I hung up the phone and threw it down on my desk,sighing with complete frustration. It was Ollie that called me, though the conversation didn't last too long because I couldn't hear him over the music and club noises in the background.

I walked towards my drinks table in a rage and filled my expensive whisky glass half way with my usual Macallan. I brought the glass to my lips but then stopped myself. I should be sober when I get there,she won't get in the car with me otherwise.

I wasn't pissed that Vanessa was at my Club,that didn't bother me.Owning my own nightclub wasn't something that I was in trying to hide from her,it just never came up in conversation. I have my Father's business to run,so owning the Club is like having something of my own.

No I wasn't pissed about that..

I was pissed that she went out and she didn't tell me. Vanessa is out in a club drinking and I didn't know a thing about it,she didn't so much as send me a text to let me know. Of course I was pissed!!

I had work that had kept me late at the office,it was close to 10 already. My plan was that I'd get home to Vanessa and we would have some fun, the kind of fun that wouldn't let up for hours. That's fucked now!

I walked into the club,through the back of course because that's the only way I go. I'm the owner,I don't go in through the front! I've been in nightclubs more times than I can count,over the past year. Getting blind drunk and hooking up with women was my thing.

Was-Obviously not the case anymore. I still liked to get blind drunk, maybe even in a nightclub but just not with her. I don't want her out in a club drinking alcohol around other men,nor do I want to sit beside her and watch it unfold in front of my eyes.

Vanessa isn't like that,she isn't like the others. She's a good girl and she's respectful and responsible.There may have been times that I thought otherwise but I was wrong. I was wrong about her.

"Boss,I didn't expect to see you here tonight."Toby was stacking boxes of imported beers and checking the quantity."It's pretty lively here tonight."

"Did you see my wife out there?"I asked,impatiently. I had called her a couple of times on the drive over here but of course I didn't get an answer.

"She's in the VIP area,Frank is taking care of her table."Well at least Frank is respectful enough to keep his eyes to himself. Toby turned his head and looked at me."This is the first time I've seen your wife in person,she's a looker."

I turned around with a scowl on my face and walked the hallway towards the doors to the club. I made my way through the crowd of intoxicated men and women dancing,grinding on each other with no care about tomorrow.

As I reached the VIP area it was clear that Vanessa wasn't there,just Ollie and the Auburn haired girl. The two of them looked very cosy."Ollie.."I called to get his attention."Where is Vanessa?"

Her tore his eyes away from the girl, just long enough to point behind me. I turned around and looked,it was only then that I noticed her on the dance floor with that guy of hers. Alex.

She's a good girl and she's respectable and responsible,Is what I said. But there was nothing respectful about that dress she was wearing. She had the attention of every perv in the place and I didn't like it.

"Vanessa.."I shouted,her name over the music as I made my way towards her. She didn't look in my direction, it was obvious she didn't hear."Vanessa.."I stopped her mid dance to get her attention.

The Austin Arrangement Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon