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I walked down the stairs dressed for the day ahead,but feeling like death after one too many Macallan's at last night's business dinner.
Thankfully I wasn't the only one in the same boat,I remember Colin stumbling out of the restaurant too. That's what I call a good business dinner,although I'm not sure my Father would agree with me.

I walked into the kitchen and saw her standing at the island,a coffee in one hand and a book in the other.
Vanessa struck me as the type of woman that liked to read in her spare time instead of going out and having fun. Typical!!

She glanced up from her page when she heard me walk her way."Good Morning."

"Is it?"I replied,walking past her and straight to the coffee machine.
I hate that she's so chirpy in the morning..It kills me. What's there to be so fucking happy about?

"I'm guessing you're hung over after last night then,there's headache tablets in the top left cupboard if you need them."She pointed.

As if I don't know where the aspirins are in my own house,it's like she's taking over. My life,My Home..Everything.
I grabbed the headache tablets and took them with my expresso."Where is Alma?"

"She had some family issues so I sent her home for the day, she'll be back tomorrow morning."She looked down at her ratty book,so casual like she didn't know that she had just pushed my buttons yet again.

I sighed,feeling frustrated as hell"You sent her home? Why the fuck would you do that without my say so,I need her here."

Vanessa looked up from her page."She needed to be home,I thought it would be okay. She wasn't great when she was here this morning,it was obvious her mind was elsewhere."

I braced my palms on the kitchen counter and looked down."Decisions like that are not for you to make.
She cooks my meals,she cleans my home..I need her."

"I'm sure you can survive one day without her,Jeremy. Don't be dramatic.
Besides,I can help you out with the meal part.."

I turned around and looked at her,sitting at the other side of the island holding a coffee cup in both hands.
The white fluffy robe that Vanessa was wearing had opened slightly,leaving some of her red lace bra on show."I'm not eating anything you make,you'll probably poison me for my money."

"Fuck You,You Asshole!!"She shouted.

The woman was as quite as a mouse when I met her,I could of said anything and she wouldn't retaliate.
But now she's getting Mouthy,no matter how much I threaten her. She's gotten used to my moods over the past couple of weeks.
She knows I hate her with a passion because she feels the same way.

"Let's be real here,you married me for my money,sweetheart.
You're capable of anything in my opinion."

"Ugh."She screamed,standing from her stool in a huff.Now who's the one that's being dramatic.
"You're driving me crazy,Jeremy. I can't believe you would even say something like that."

I smirked."Really..Is it that hard to believe?"

She moved her light brown hair back with both hands."I need you to do dinner with a Friend and I.
She's a head chef at a top restaurant so it'll be something you're used to."

"I'm not doing that."Im already going without sex because of this woman.
Now she wants me doing little dinners with her Friends,Fuck off.

"Please,Jeremy. I just need this one little thing from you,I won't ask for anything else."She looked at me,the desperation was written all over her face.

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