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Jeremy drove the car up the snowy driveway and pulled the car up outside the mansion,after the long drive back from the cabin. Our trip was nice,It might have been just what I needed.Not that it made me feel any better about loosing my Father,but it took my mind off life for a little bit.

Now back to reality!!

The reality of it was that Jeremy and I have been fooling around the entire weekend,and I wondered would things change between us now that we are home. Walking into that house, would we go back to the married couple that don't communicate with each other. Just like we were before...I guess we'll see.

"Ollie definitely looked like he regretted drinking that last bottle of champagne last night."I chuckled,at Ollie's expense. "Poor thing,he looked so pale this morning."

Jeremy glanced in my direction."It's his own fault,We did warn him. Usually it's me that has one too many-Not him" He undid his seat belt and stepped out of the car."I'll get the bags."

By time I stepped out of the car to join him,he already had the bags in hand. We walked up the front steps and into the house together. Again I wondered was this the point where things change between us?

Alma walked down the hallway when she heard the front door open."Mr & Mrs Austin,Welcome Home! How was your trip?"

"It was Great,just what we both needed I think."I smiled and looked in Jeremy's direction. But I know enough about him to know that he isn't the type of man that likes to exchange small talk.

"I'll put these upstairs."He turned around and walked up the stairs to the bedrooms. That was pretty Gentlemanly to bring my bag up,he's never done that before.

"I just put tea on if you would like a cup, Mrs Austin."Alma walked back down the hallway towards the kitchen and I followed behind her.The kitchen area was gleaming just like it always is.

I sat at the island,watching Alma as she poured Tea into fancy white cups with gold trim. They were ones that Jeremy and I received as a wedding gift. Usually a married couple would keep something like that safe,but because it was all a lie there was no reason too. They were just like any other Cups to us.

Alma placed the cup down in front of me on the island,setting the sugar and milk next to it."I'm so sorry about your Father,How are you feeling?"

Although I understand,I hate it when people ask me that. I'm not fine,not at all. I always wonder if people want the truth or if they're just asking to be polite.

"I'm fine."I poured milk into my cup and used the little gold teaspoon to stir it,All the while I could feel her eyes on me."I know that after awhile it won't be so hard to bare,that's what it was like when I lost my Mother. I still miss her everyday and it's hard,but I'm able to make room to live as well."

She smiled lightly,causing a wrinkle over her thin top lip."Your parents would want you to be happy-You and your brother."

I looked down at my cup sat in front of me at the island."I know they would have,that's all they ever really wanted."

Alma patted me on the hand,in a way of comfort."I'll leave you to your tea,I still have some dusting to do. Let me know if you need anything while I'm here."She left the kitchen and I was alone in silence,listening to the ticking of the clock.

I better get ready since I'm meeting with Uncle Nate and Finley soon,I wouldn't want to keep them waiting. I walked the stairs to my bedroom with my cup in hand. I don't know what Jeremy's plans are for the evening,we didn't discuss doing anything together. Maybe he's going to be busy too!!

I walked into my room expecting to see my weekend bag on my bed-But it wasn't. Where did he put it? I had a look around my room and It wasn't there so I decided to go to his room to ask him.

The Austin Arrangement Where stories live. Discover now