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I was nearing the end of Mondays ballet class with the kids. Usually classes would help take my mind off any problem I'm facing,yet my current problem is very much whirling around in my head.I need to focus..Not on what happened on Friday night,but on anything but that.

"Pile.."I said,and all kids did as I instructed and bent at the knees. I stood back and watched proudly as they continued with the routine."Excellent,I like what I'm seeing."


I heard his deep voice from behind me and my heart jumped into my throat.
Did I just imagine that? If not he's here in my ballet studio..But why?

I turned around and saw that he was in fact behind me,dressed in his designer suit,that didn't have a crease in sight.
As always he didn't have a dark hair out of place. I admired that he always looks so presentable,even if his attitude wasn't.

I tucked a curl of light brown hair around my ear nervously."What are you doing here,Jeremy?"

He sighed."I came to talk..About what happened the other night. You haven't been home since."

I didn't think he would notice that I didn't come back,if I'm being honest. We hardly ever see each other at the mansion.
I left Friday night after our three way encounter and I haven't been back since.I needed to get out of there,I wasn't ready to face him after what happened. Even now I'm thinking about the way he touched me that night..How hungry he kissed me..How eager he was to get into my pants and to pleasure me.

What was that?

I thought the man hated me,our kisses have been like torcher to him so it seemed. But Friday night it was different. At first he was hesitant,until he kissed me that was. Everything moved so fast after that,it was like he had no control.

I noticed the parents standing by the double doors to the studio. Some of them were eyeing up my promiscuous Husband,and it wasn't just the women.
The men I'm sure envied him for being the Rich,Heartthrob that every women wanted a piece of. He could have his pick of them. I'm sure they wondered why me?

I turned towards the kids."Okay,That's it for today. You Guys did amazing."

I guess I'm going to have this talk with Jeremy,there's no avoiding him now.
I was helping the kids pack up to leave,while Jeremy was standing to the side of the room out of the way.This is probably the first time the man has been around a kid,it was obvious that this was new territory.

Addie walked towards Jeremy."Is this man your husband,Mrs Austin?"

I looked at Jeremy,noticing how uncomfortable he was over the situation. Then I looked back at Addie."Yes,This is my Husband Jeremy."

She looked Jeremy up and down,from his designer shoes to his dark hair."He's very tall."

I guess that's one noticeable thing about him,he's quite a bit taller than I am. I giggled."He sure is."
I glanced towards the door as I heard Addie's Mom calling her."Your Mom is waiting to take you home."

She looked at me and smiled."See you next week,Mrs Austin."Addie ran across the floor with her little pink bag around her shoulder.

All the kids had left the studio and it was just Jeremy and I alone..Alone for the first time since our incident and now we have no choice but to have the uncomfortable conversation.
Where do we start..Why do I even say to him?

"So this is your studio?"

"Well it isn't exactly mine,I don't own it unfortunately. I rent the studio for classes Monday,Thursday and Friday."I crossed my arms over my chest in awkwardness.
Jeremy has never wanted to exchange small talk up until now.

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