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I just knew that I couldn't put her off for too long! It was inevitable! I could only go so long without having Natasha visit the Mansion that I live in with my Brute of a Husband. I've been trying to put her off for months by making up silly excuses,that was until I just couldn't any longer. She can be rather insistent at times but I love her in despite of that.

"Fucking size of this place! I can't believe I'm finally at your house,Ness.I was worried that It might come to me having to sneak in."Natasha chuckled.

That's what it might have come to-I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I woke up one morning to find her sitting at the breakfast bar watching Alma cooking her bacon and Eggs. Not surprised at all!!

"I know-I'm sorry!You know what it's like,things just get so busy sometimes."I moved my hands up and down in the jacuzzi."You're here now,I want you to enjoyed yourself."

"I wish you didn't have that dinner thing tonight,If you didn't we could get totally shit faced."Natasha poured some more expensive champagne into her crystal glass.

It was early still,like just after 4. But Natasha and I were taking advantage of us both having a free day-Well for me free up until my dinner tonight. We decided to spend the day in the pool room since it was too cold to use the outside pool

"Me too. At least we still have a couple of hours to relax and enjoy ourselves. The bubbles feel so good!"Thankfully it was just Natasha and I since Jeremy was at work. I really didn't want her seeing him after the events of the After party.

"Too right they do-On your Fanny!"She chuckled,and threw me a wink."So how are things between you and him-The husband?"Natasha sipped from her half glass of Bubbly."It's so weird calling someone your husband,it makes me feel like I need to grow the hell up and get hitched myself."

I glanced over at her."You definitely don't need to do that,you're young still so there's no rush. Only if you find the one that is."Because I'd really know anything about that.I sighed,setting my glass down beside me."Jeremy and I are good,things are good between us."

Natasha raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at me."Even after everything that happened with Alex? I thought things would have been a bit strained between you two after that. It was obvious how upset you were with him."

Of course,because that's the norm after your husband beats up your best friend in a jealous rage.

"Well um-They were i guess. But in hindsight,I kind of understand where he was coming from. Jeremy didn't know that Alex was Gay and had the impression that something was going on."I explained."You know how Alex and I can be sometimes with all the hugs and kisses. Jeremy is a Jealous man and I knew that when I married him."

I can't believe I'm actually sticking up for my Arranged Husband. I guess that's what good wives are supposed to do.

Natasha rolled her eyes."Well I guess I understand-But Alex sure as hell won't. Jeremy is not in my good books."

"I'll make sure to tell him that. I think he'll make it up to you both at some point." Not!! Definitely Not!! There's no way he's going to be in the same room as Alex again. I'm sure the feeling is mutual on that one.

I slipped out of the jacuzzi in my light blue one piece bathing suit,that had red and pink flowers all over and a opened low cut neckline."I'm going to get us something nice to eat. I won't be long."

I opened the door of the fridge and looked inside. Since Alma does all the shopping in this house the fridge and freezer are always fully stocked with plenty of delicious food. I set everything up on the counter top and started to prepare sandwiches for us both. I started to get hungry while I put everything together so I decided to eat mine on the spot.

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