Unexpected visit

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"Hey," he says. "Hey. I was just about to call you," I said looking down at my phone that has my finger lingering above the call button. "Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't call or text when we finished. I wanted to see you." "you could have told me that," I said. Before he could say anything Mahogany came running up behind me to see who was at the door. "Mahogany no," I said trying to block the doorway with my leg but she was able to slip past me.

 "It's okay." spencer said getting on his knees to greet her. "Hi mahogany, I'm Spencer," he says as mahogany licks his face. "She likes you," I commented, seeing your dog and boyfriend getting along. "Yeah," he says standing back up as mahogany walks back inside my apartment. "Sorry," I muttered, opening the door more. "Would you like to come in?" "uh- yeah sure," he says walking past me and into the living room. He sits down on the couch and places his satchel on the floor next to him. 

Mahogany makes her way back to spencer and lays on the couch next to him. "Wow she really likes you," I stated, chuckling as I sit across from them. My timer then went off indicating that I had to turn the oven off. I stood up and said"ill be right back, I need to get something out of the oven." then walk into the kitchen. I took the brownies out and my whole apartment smelled like chocolate. "Dang it," I said knowing I can't give Spencer the brownies since they just came out of the oven. I quickly cut them into squares and put them in the refrigerator. I turned to the counter which has some other backed goods that I made earlier. I placed about 5 chocolate chip and banana bars on a plate and walked back into the living room. I placed the sweets on the coffee table in front of Spencer and sat back down across from spencer. 

"I know you smell chocolate but the brownies are too hot since they just came out of the oven so I brought some chocolate chip and banana bars instead," I said as he picked one up. He took a bite and his eyes started to widen. "These are really good." he said looking up at me. "Thank you. I kinda spent all morning basically baking. Actually, Penelope invited me to your team's dinner thing tonight, and I'm making a pie since I've already started." I said. He nodded "yeah she had the idea of inviting you and everyone agreed. They really like you." "awe, well i enjoy being around them... and.. You." I could see spencer start to blush which just made me smile.

"I was thinking- we could tell the team that we're dating tonight since well all be together." he said avoiding eye contact. "Yeah, okay," I replied. He looks up at me kind of shocked. I just simply smiled. "I should probably let you finish making that pie." he started standing up. "But I can pick you up if you want." "Okay," I say. "Okay," he said looking at me smiling. "Wait, hold on," I said as I ran into the kitchen. I walked back into the living room and slipped the rest of the bars into a ziplock bag. I handed the bag to spencer then walked him to the door. 

"Thank you," he said turning around in the doorway. "It's no problem," I told him smiling before I pulled him into a hug which he responds to by wrapping his arms around me. You pull away and say goodbye. He told me that he'll pick me up at 7:30 since Rossi's mansion was kinda far. I walked back into the kitchen and continue working on the pie thinking about the one and only Dr.Spencer Reid.


A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was planning out the rest of the story. ill be publishing a lot over the next few days and maybe even finish the book! also, I didn't really like this chapter, let me know what you thought. comment and vote! <333

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