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It's my turn to open up at the bakery today. I usually like working but not having to work for the past two days was really relaxing. I woke up at the crack of dawn and made my way to work. I baked all morning then finally opened and our usual early morning customers made their way in.

 I got off work around three and decided to stop by Spencer's apartment on my way back home. I had to make sure he was actually resting, he can be very stubborn with his sleep sometimes.

 I decided to grab some food before I made my way there. As I approached his apartment building I called him and told him I was outside. I made my way up to the top of his apartment and knocked on the door. He opened the door and let me in. We spent an hour or so eating food and talking like we usually do. Things were going well between us. Our relationship was growing.

Then it came time for me to take mahogany to the groomers and I had to leave. I said goodbye to Spencer and made my way home. And I pulled into the garage of my apartment and there was a strange car parked right outside. It was pretty weird seeing that type of car around here but assumed someone was probably moving or moving out so I just brushed it off. I got mahogany and we made our way to the groomers. we got back a few hours later and the van was gone. 'I guess they finished moving' I thought as we made our way into our apartment in settled in for the night.

ANOTHER GREAT LOVE STORY  ~ Spencer Reid~Where stories live. Discover now