Past cases

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Rivers pov

I don't know how long I've been stuck in this room. I would say a week or so, but the days are slurring together. The only way I know how long it's been is because John (the man who took me) would come every day at night. Ever since he took me I've expected him to beat and torture me, but he hasn't. He keeps me in a room all the time and comes and watching me like I'm a prized possession. Part of me is grateful I'm not getting hurt but another part of me wants to scream and yell whenever I see him.

"Why did you take me?" I asked one night while he was in the room. "Because you got my brother locked up, and now your mine" "what does that even mean!?" I yelled. I was so sick of this. I figured if he was going to do something, he would've done it by now. "All you have to know is that you're never getting out of here. Not even your little FBI friends or your Genius boyfriend will find you," he said seriously and left the room, slamming the door shut and locking it from the outside.

"Spencer, please find me," I whispered to myself before crying myself to sleep.

Spencers pov

We had Garcia check the footage of the bar we went to the last night River was last seen. We found who Jackson was talking about, the guy watching River the whole night. He was right, the man disappeared right when River decided to leave. He was right there, in the same room as us but we never noticed.

 "I've run the unsubs photos against our facial recognition software and came up with nothing," Garcia told us. "What about the name he used to get onto the bar?" I asked. It was the first time I talked all day. "He used the name Ronald Merkland to get into the bar that night, but there is no one by that name alive," she responded. "Alive?" morgan asked. 

"Yes, last known Ronald Merkland was a farmer in the late 1900s. He died in the early 2000's cause of complications in a kidney reduction surgery." "he was getting rid of a kidney?" Rossi asked. "yes and no, he was having the surgery to give one of his kidneys to his brother who had cancer that killed both of his kidneys. but complications occurred in the surgery which resulted in Ronald dying"

"Garcia, did Ronald Merkland have kids?" hotch asked, trying to stay on the course which I appreciated. "No, not any known children at least. He did, however, leave a large area of land that was given to the county but then bought out a year ago." "who bought the land, Garcia?" I asked. I feel like we're on a lead. Maybe River was there. "Oh my... the land was bought by a Thomas Murry, and if that name sounds familiar its cause he was the unsub in a case we solved 4 months ago," she said. 

And then I clicked, that was the case we met River in. the case where she gave us information that eventually led us to catch him. "River was a witness in that case." I blurted out. Everyone turned towards me, confused. I took a deep breath and tried to explain again. "The case where River came in to give a statement about a girl being kidnapped in the back of the mall, was the case where Thomas Murry was the unsub. River helped us catch him, and now she's been gone for over a week."

ANOTHER GREAT LOVE STORY  ~ Spencer Reid~Where stories live. Discover now