Books and coffee

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I woke up early the next day since it was my turn to open the bakery. I dragged myself to work and baked till we opened. People rushed in and we got to work. After our morning rush died down I heard someone walk into the bakery and up to the register. "Hi what can i- well hello there," I said realizing mid-sentence that the person who came up to the register was my boyfriend. "Hey river," he responded. 

"Hi, what do I owe the pleasure of you coming into the bakery today?" I asked glancing behind him to see no one in line which meant I could continue to talk to him. "I had the day off and I wanted to get some coffee and maybe a pastry. So I came to the best place for that," he answered smiling sweety.

 "You and I both know you could find a better place to have coffee," I said and we both laughed. I motioned him to come to the baked goods display and he picked his pastry and we met back at the register. "And a black coffee with 5 sugars," he said pulling out his wallet and handed me his card. "No need," I said and continued to ring him up. "No need?" he asked and I looked at him in the eyes and repeated what I said "no need, it's on the house," I said and handed him his pastry. "River-" he started but I cut him off. "Next in line."

After his coffee was made I decided to take my break. I walked over to his table where had a small stack of books out. I chuckled to myself as I placed down the cup of coffee and sat down in the empty seat across from him. "Aren't you working?" he asked raising his eyebrows. "I decided to take my break now. I have only an hour left of my shift so why not use it now," I answered.

 "Maybe after we could... go for lunch?" I don't know why he still gets nervous. It doesn't take a profiler to notice it. "Yeah we can," I said and smiled at him. "So are you just going to read until I'm done?" I asked him looking at the stack of books played on the table. "Yep." I don't know why but his response made me laugh. He loves reading and learning more than anything and it's actually kind of refreshing. He would randomly spit out facts and I would be so intrigued. I'm happy he's not one of those guys that are so self-absorbed and only care about themselves. 

Spencer started talking about the book he was reading and I have to say the way he explained whatever he was talking about was really cute. He moved his hands and looked me in the eyes. Sadly my alarm rang and I had to get back to work. After work though, I had a lunch date with my Genius boyfriend.

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