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"Hey," he said softly. "Hey, feeling better?" I asked putting my laptop back into my bag as he sat down on the couch next to me. "Yeah, way better." "Good," I say zipping up my bag and tossing it to the side. "River I'm sorry." "Sorry for what?" I ask. 'What's going on? Why is he apologizing? What did he do?' These questions and more were filling up my head in the few seconds it took for Spencer to reply.

 "I'm sorry, I should have called you when we were in the case. I know I could have but my mind was focused on the case even though you're always in the back of my mind." He sighed. "Spencer it's fine," I grabbed his hand and brought it to my lap intertwining our fingers together. "I get it. Well.. not fully since I'm not in the FBI but it's totally fine. Just promise that you'll be safer from now on?" "Okay, I promise." I placed my head on his shoulder and we sat there for a minute before deciding that we should order in some food and watch some movies.

By the time we finished our last movie, it was pretty late and dark outside. "I should probably go," I said standing up and picking up trash we left on the table. Spencer checked his watch and said, "oh wow it's late." "Yeah," I called from the kitchen tossing the stuff away. I walked back into the living room and Spencer was up and holding my bag for me. "Thank you," I said as I approached him and took the bag from his hand. He nodded before saying "it's really late, are you sure you can get home safely." "I'm sure spencer." It was cute how Spencer was worried about me getting home safely and how he said earlier that I'm always in the back of his head.

 "You could... stay here," he said pulling me out of my thoughts. It wouldn't be the first time I spent the night at spencers but it would be the first time I did it on purpose. "I would love to but I have to get to work bright and early tomorrow. Sorry." I told him. It was true that I had to go to work early tomorrow but I think another reason why I declined the invitation to spend the night was because of how early we are in our relationship. I just imagine awkwardness between us if I spent the night. I walked over to the door and opened it. I turn back to Spencer "goodnight Spencer." "Goodnight River. Text me when you get home, okay?" "Okay, I will" I replied then gave him a kiss and walked out to my car. I drove home and did get there safely. I took my phone out of my pocket when I got into my bedroom and texted Spencer.

Me: I just got home. Goodnight :)

Spencer: Okay, Goodnight River.

ANOTHER GREAT LOVE STORY  ~ Spencer Reid~Where stories live. Discover now