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Spencer's Pov

We made it to the hospital and I saw JJ, Hotch, and Rossi sitting in the waiting room. We made our way over and they told me she was in surgery. John had shot her in the Abdomen. They said that's all they knew and all we could do was wait.

Its been about 4 hours since Emily, Morgan, and I arrived at the hospital. About 4 hours and a half since River arrived, and we still have no updates. I've been pacing the floors for the past hour. Everyone tried to calm me down but it didn't work.

 I had called Jakie, Rivers best friend about half an hour ago and she said she was on her way. All we could do was wait. Half an hour later a doctor made his way into the waiting room. "River Carter?" he asked looking around. The team's heads shot up while Jakie and I stood. He made his way over to us, he looked stressed and exhausted. Did something happen to River?

"She's fine. The bullet barely touched any of her major organs and arteries." he began. I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. She's fine, she's safe. I'm never letting go of her again. "There were, however some complications in surgery and we won't know the outcome until she wakes up." 

"Can we see her?" Jakie asked. "Yes, right this way." I looked back at the team and they urged me to go. "We'll stay here," Rossi said. I nodded my head and followed Jakie and the doctor.

We entered the room and there lay River. My eyes filled with tears when I saw her. I couldn't help blaming myself. I walked over to Jakie who was now sobbing. We waited for her to wake up. Waited and waited.

ANOTHER GREAT LOVE STORY  ~ Spencer Reid~Where stories live. Discover now