'the team'

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When I woke up the week after Spencer and I broke up Jakie had left and written a note saying she had work and had to leave. I was really grateful for jakie, she decided to stay with me for a little. she was always there when I needed her ever since we were little kids. I had woken up late, and I didn't have work until 12 so I got to sleep in a little. I really didn't feel like going to work but it was too short notice to get anyone to cover my shift.

 'I probably need the distraction anyway.' i thought as I got dressed. I pulled into the familiar parking lot of my favorite place to be other than home. Before I got out of the car I looked in the mirror. I had tried to cover up my puffy eyes with makeup but it was no use. I got in and greeted the afternoon customers and took their orders.

Around 1:30ish the door opened and a familiar squeal came from the one and only Penelope Garcia. "Oh, my goodness Pen what are you doing here?" I asked as I walked out from behind the counter. "I wanted to see my favorite genius baker!" she said as she gave me a big hug. I didn't know how much I needed a hug. Especially one from Penelope.

"Well, here I am," I said and gestured towards a table so we could sit and talk a little. "So the teams going out to the bar tonight and I wanted to let you know," she said sitting. Over the past 2 months, spencer and I were together, I've gotten closer to the team also. I think they kind of adopted me onto their little family and it was sweet. Penelope was always my source of information if they planned to go out or anything so I want surprised when she told me. The invitation implied in "the team".

"Pen, I don't know..." I said not really feeling up to going. "Come on, please. We like never see you anymore, and we all really miss you!" she said with pleading eyes. I looked up at her about to say 'no but thank you for inviting me' or something like that but she talked first. "Just tonight and we don't have to be out long." "only if that means I get to leave whenever I want." "deal, now I got to get back to the office and finish up work. I'll pick you up at 8" "see you pen" I said and got back to work. I wasn't that stressed about seeing spencer cause he never really likes going to the bar and he doesn't really drink. But the thought of going out with his friends didn't sit well with me. Oh well...

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