Bed and Lamp

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Back to River's pov

I don't how long I've been held in this place. All I know is that whenever I wake up there is food waiting for me. I didn't even see who took me. I woke up here, in a room with a bed and a lamp. Nothing else. The doors are locked tight from the outside and I'm not chained to anything. I don't even know why I'm here. I wake up thinking I was having a nightmare, but I'm still here. I had a lot of time to think. I've thought, an thought, and thought. I thought about friends, family, my job, my life, those in my life, and those not. 

I've thought a lot about spencer. The time we've spent together. How badly we ended things. And I've thought about the one thing I always avoid. I thought about my feelings for him. Jakie was right, I never felt that way about anyone. And I lost it. I'll probably never get it back, mainly because I've been kidnapped and will probably not see the light of day again.

 I know I probably shouldn't be negative but I can't help it, its been days, and no one probably knows that I'm missing. Jakie might. She's the only person I talk to on a regular basis. If spencer and I were still together he would know. I wonder if ill ever see him again. Even if by some miracle I'm found and get to go back to normal, I wonder if ill talk to him. I may say that ill talk to him if I ever get ou,t but I know thoughts and actions are totally different.

All of a sudden the door opened. I guess I was slightly happy by not seeing who took me before, but now I'm terrified.

"Hi, darling." a man said. He stood in the corner where there was no light. I couldn't see his face. "What do you want with me?" I asked trying to act not scared. "I want you to pay" "what did I do?" did I do something to cause this? I asked myself "You ruined my brother's life!" he yelled stepping closer and into the light. I've seen him before. He was the weird waiter that day spencer and I went out for lunch, and he's the same guy that gave me the creeps the day spencer asked me to be his girlfriend. Now that I think about it I've seen him everywhere. But I never had enough time to process it. "And now... you're going to be mine."

ANOTHER GREAT LOVE STORY  ~ Spencer Reid~Where stories live. Discover now