Jackson Everet

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Spencers pov

It's been days, nearing a week since River had been last seen. Almost 2 weeks since we've broken up. I haven't eaten, I haven't slept, all I can do sit and be useless. I can't work, the thoughts of what might be happening to her are always flowing in the back of my head which only allows me to focus for about 4 seconds before I see her face in my mind and my mind completely shut down. Terrified, hurt, alone. 

The team had made this case a priority and have only been working on her case. I don't like thinking of her as a case. we know that she had been taken because of a note we found back at her apartment. it didn't give us any information about the unsub or where she was so it was useless. And it's not like River to go off the grid. "Kid," Rossi called. I turned my attention to him. "Has she ever told you about anyone who seemed weird at all towards her?" "No," I answer.

All of a sudden Emily slightly gasped, causing all of us to look at her. "That guy at the bar the last time we saw her. I remember looking around when she left and he wasn't there anymore. But they looked like they were having a good conversation and it didn't look suspicious." "I remember him. Your right though he seemed fine." JJ added. 

"It wouldn't hurt to bring him in," Hotch said before telling Garcia to go through the guests at the bar and find a man with his description. I remember him too, how could I not. She looked like she was having a good time with him. She was laughing, and so was he. What if he was the one who took her? He was right there, in a bar with FBI agents and we gave him the one thing he wanted. River.

Hotch's pov

Spencers not in the right mindset. It looks like he hasn't slept. Honestly, it looks like none of us have. I don't blame him, I wouldn't know how I would react if my wife was ever taken. "Reid," I called while everyone filed out of the conference room to go find Jackson Everet, the man River had been talking to at the bar.

 When everyone was out of the room I continued. "You need to rest, go home and get some sleep and we'll call you if we get a lead." "Hotch, I cant. I know her better than anyone, so if I can help in whatever way, I'm going to and I can't do that if I'm in my bed staring at the ceiling because I know I won't be able to sleep until she's found." I collected my files from the table and started walking out of the room "Alright, let's go"

Garcia's pov

Hotch told me to find Jackson Everet. I dug into his background with my amazing computer skills and found nothing that sticks out. I really hope we find River fast. I'm the one who invited her out that night, and if I didn't maybe she would still be here, safe.

 I may not be a profiler but I know after someone is kidnapped they don't last long. It'll break our hearts if we find her dead. Especially Reid's. "Sir, I'm sending you the last known address of Jackson Everet." a second later they receive it and hang up.

 An hour later they enter the office with the same guy from the bar. The only difference now is the look in his eye. He looks confused, probably wondering why the FBI showed up at his door and is taking him into custody.

Morgan's Pov

I've always liked River, from the minute we've met. I was super surprised when Pretty Boy actually made a move. Watching him fall in love with her was nice. Someone he could escape to when the horrors of this job came around. My heart broke for Spencer when they broke up and then again when she went missing. I remember this Jackson guy that night, moments before spencer told us they went together anymore.

 After he told us, a silence fell over the table and I think that awkwardness of knowing Spencer told us that they had broken up caused River to leave early. I feel as if we all went out together then River wouldn't be missing now.

 I opened the door to the interrogation room and sat in front of Jackson. I opened the file and looked inside. "So you're a doctor?" "yes, I am. Can you tell me why I'm here?" he asked. I know with this type of unsub we have to be straight forward to scare him into letting something slip.

 "You're a suspect for the kidnapping of River Carter. She was last seen at a bar you went to, and has been gone ever since," I said bluntly. "River? That name sounds familiar... I've met her before. At the bar, I went to a week and a half ago... but you already know that because you and your friends were there, weren't you?" "yes we were, why did you follow her outside?"

Jackson's Pov

Damn, I know it looks suspicious that I followed her outside. I only did because I saw a man eyeing her from across the room and he got up when she did. not to mention no one else noticed this and no one left with her. I don't know why I felt the urge to protect her but we hit it off right at the bat. She was really kind and interesting. I knew I probably wouldn't see her again but I didn't think this would happen.

 "I followed her out because there was a man watching her, and when she got up to leave so did he. I wanted to make sure she was going to be alright so I waited with her until her uber came." "Why did you feel as if you had to protect her?" "because no one else got up too! She walked out of the bar by herself not in a state to herself drive home and none of you made sure she got there safely? She talked about you guys might not wanting to be friends with her anymore, but you guys should have checked up on her. And now she's been taken."


A/N: hope yall enjoy this especially long chapter! tell me if you want to see Jackson more! comment and vote!!>333

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