Phone Call

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I got home after running some errands. When I entered I greeted mahogany and started doing some homework. After I was partway done I heard my phone ring and I got excited. "Hello," I answered. "Hey it's me." my Jakie said. "Oh.." I said realizing it wasn't Spencer Reid. "Wow I feel so loved," she said after hearing my disappointed voice. "No, sorry I thought it was-" "the guy," she said cutting me off. "Yeah," I said. "Oh my goodness I'm sorry I didn't answer you earlier it actually pretty crazy. I ran into him on my way out of work," I said realizing that I didn't hit send on the text message I already typed out on my phone. "Oh my god tell me everything," she said.

After I finished talking to her I continued working on my work that was due at midnight. I still had time but I wanted to get it all over with. After I finished I went to the kitchen to grab a snack forgetting that it was filled with baked goods. I sighed at then started organizing them to take to my friends and family. While I was in the middle I got a phone call and I walked over to the table where I left my phone. I nearly dropped it when I saw that it was an unknown local number. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and picked up. "Hello," I said after answering. "Hey River," I heard a familiar voice say through the phone. "Hi, Spencer Reid." I greeted. "You know you can just call me Spencer," he said slightly chuckling. "I know," I answered with a smile on my face.

"So what do I owe the pleasure of getting this phone call?" I asked while I headed towards my couch to sit down. "I actually wanted to ask you something," he said. "okay ask away." "do you maybe want to get lunch sometime?" he asked. My heart was not only jumping it was doing backflips in my chest. After a few moments I said "sure. Tell me the time and place and ill be there." he chuckled and we talked about when and where. We decided because of our busy schedules to have lunch the next day at a cafe around 2:30 pm. "Okay see you then, bye Spencer Reid," I said. "Bye River." he said before I hung up." wow things are moving fast," I said getting up to pick out what I was going to wear.

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