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JJ pov

After not hearing a reply, Hotch kicked down the door of John Murry's home address. Rossi and I swiftly entered with our guns drawn and quickly cleared the area. The three of us then slit up to search the rest of the house. John's house was far from his neighbors, so it was a perfect place to hold someone hostage. 

Rossi and Hotch continued on the bottom floor while I went upstairs. At first, I checked the door closest to the stairs which was a regular bedroom, then I saw a door with multiple locks on the outside. "I need backup, upstairs," I said into my earpiece and slowly made my way to the door. It was open by just an inch which probably meant the unsub was in there also. I took a deep breath before I opened the door and stepped inside.

Hotch's pov

JJ said she needed backup which meant the unsub and River were probably upstairs. Rossi and I ran up the stairs and saw JJ in the doorway of a room further down the hall. We made our way to her and heard her trying to talk the unsub down. 

We profiled John to not go down without a fight so we knew that he would try to shot his way out or himself, but he was determined to kill River. JJ tried to talk him down but it didn't seem to work, it only agitated him so stepped into his eyesight behind JJ. "John there's nowhere you can go. Your surrounded."

Rivers Pov

They're here, the team is here. Was spencer here too? Part of me wanted to see him but another didn't. What if he's moved on? What if he's over me? That was the least of my worries though. Right now I'm being held tight with a gun stabbing deep into my side and federal agents pointing theirs to a man who was barely inches away from me. "John, let her go Now," JJ demanded. I looked at her. It looks like she hasn't slept in days, I noticed hotch looked like that too but he always looked like that. 

If they look like this I wonder how bad spencer must look, if he even still cared about me. Stop I can't think about spencer right now, my life is literally in danger. I hadn't noticed John pushing his gun deeper into my side. It hurt a lot, but if I get to go home after this I don't really care."She ruined my brother's life, she ruined MY LIFE!" John yelled. "And now she'll pay," I heard about a total of two gunshots and saw smoke from JJ's gun. 

She dropped her gun and ran over to me, fear in her eyes. I looked back and saw John's lifeless body on the floor, a bullet wound in his head. I only saw one though. I turned back and JJ was in front of me holding me steady. She looked at my side and said words that I couldn't hear. I saw hotch yell something into his sleeve but I couldn't hear that as well. What was going on? I looked down to my side and saw blood, a lot of it. I then realized I was shot too.

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