Chapter 13 ~ The War Pt. 1

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N A T H A N ' S P.O.V.

I watch through the recordings, trying to see who the mole is. This traitor must have been with this pack long enough because they seem to have avoided all the cameras.

Who can it be? Is it really Dion? No, he's like my brother.

Dion, I need you to come to my office and bring Owen with you, I mindlink.

Within two minutes, Dion came in alone.

"Owen is with Alpha Gabriel. He said he is doing something about finding some clues." He said and I nod.

"Dion, I need you to look through these cameras. I haven't told anyone about these yet since I was just trying to test them out. Not even my parents know. I want you to check if there is anything unusual. Report back to me asap. Dion, can I trust you?" I say looking at him cautiously.

"Alpha, I would never betray this pack. You are like my brother to me and I owe you my life. I can understand why you may not trust anyone at this rate but I will make sure to save our Luna until my very last breath" he vows.

"Very well" I dismiss him and instantly run out of my office when I hear glass shattering.

I walk over to Kieth to see him around the shattered vase.

That shit was expensive.

"Kieth, what ha-" Keith cut me off and spoke.

"She's missing" he growls.

"Yeah we all know she's missing, she's been missing for days now" I grunt.

"I'm talking about my mate, Kiara" he growls, getting angry.

"I bet Owen took her away from me to hide her. I swear I'm going to kill him when he comes" he growls even louder.

Kiara is missing?

Owen, I mindlink.

Yes, Alpha? He answers back.

Where is Kiara?

What do you mean where's Kiara? Isn't she in her bedroom? He says in a worried tone.

Don't get worried, she must be somewhere around here

Don't tell me Kieth has her, he growls.

No, he's also looking for her too.

It's been hours and now Kiara is also missing. My guess is that it's the same person. How can two people be kidnapped when my security is tight. It just doesn't make sense.

Owen and Kieth are having constant arguments over Kiara and here I am, going mental for not having my mate in my arms. That reminds me, within a few hours or so, Ariella will be going in heat.


This is both good and bad news. The heat will make me get closer to her but not just me but other unmated males too.

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