Chapter 10 ~ Alpha Keith

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A L P H A K E I T H' S P. O. V.

"Come on Keith, drink up" My Beta, Jeremy, says as he takes a shot. I swear he is going to get wasted any second now.

"Jeremy, you need to relax on those drinks" I sigh as I try to take his shots away from him.

"Oh come on Keith, one drink won't hurt," He says and takes a shot that was closer to him.

"Okay, Gio, take the shots away" I order the bartender who was from my pack.

"Right away Alpha," He says and takes the shots away.

"Lets party!" He screams in my ears and runs off to the dance floor. Oh hell no. Why do I have to deal with this shit? I'm the Alpha for god sake, I have so many paperwork to finish off and Jeremy drags me along with him here.

I could be doing so many things right now. Like finding my beautiful mate. I have been searching for 3 years now. I am 21 and mateless. I mentally groan.

"Hey handsome, I'm Lina. What's your name?" A random blonde woman speaks as she runs her acrylic nails up and down my biceps. Cringe.


I give her a forced smile and turn away. "I know this is boring, do you want to go somewhere private?" She tries but it doesn't work.

"I have a girlfriend," I say and drink the soft drink that was in front of me.

"She doesn't have to know, I can keep a secret" She purrs as she comes closer to me. She was practically all over me.

This is wrong.

I place my index finger on her forehead and push her back, slightly making her stumble. Whoops.

"I'm loyal" With that, I walk away and spot Jeremy. He was full-on wasted because he was grinding on a wall. I walk over to him and drag him along with me.

"Hey! don't kidnap me, I was about to get freaky with someone" Jeremy pouts.

"A wall?" I raise my eyebrow and make him sit in the car. I walk around and sit on the driver's seat.

"Her name is not a wall, its... Oh shit! I forgot to ask for her name!" He says all of a sudden. Oh great.

"Jeremy, you will find a mate one day and you will forget about grinding on a wall" I chuckle but cover it with a cough.

"Is that a laugh I see Alpha Keith" He smirks. Oh god.

"No," I say and stop at a red signal light.

"You will find your mate one day Kieth. I have a feeling she is real close by" He says.

"I have a feeling too" I mutter lowly. Tomorrow I will have to attend a meeting with Alpha Nathaniel and Alpha Gabriel. Maybe I will meet her soon. Soon dear mate, soon.

I look over to my side to see a sleeping Jeremy. "Oh for fucks sake" I groan lowly, knowing I will have to carry a heavy cow.

I park my car and walk over to the passenger side and open the door. I pick Jeremy up and start walking.

"You are heavier than you look" I mutter even though I know he didn't really hear me since he is still sleeping. I lock the car door and start walking.

I open the door to my pack house and walk in. I  open Jeremy's room door and walk in.


"Fuck" I hear Jeremy groan. I may or may not have banged his head as I walked thought his room door...


I made him sit on his bed and step back.

"Change into something comfortable and go sleep, you're going to have a bad headache in the morning" I chuckle at the thought.

"Yeah okay" he mutters and slams his head on his bed, knocked out.


I pull the sheets over so his body is covered and leave the room.

I go over to my office and do some paperwork.

I hear a ping knowing I got a new email. I open the email and see it's from Alpha Nathaniel.

To Alpha Keith,

On behalf of Alpha Nathaniel, I hope you are able to attend the meeting tomorrow as this is very important. Alpha Nathaniel hopes to see you at 8am sharp so we can discuss some things.

Please don't be late as this is a very important matter that involves safety. Thank you.

Beta Owen

I guess this meeting is very important. I wonder what it is that is so important. Are they going into a war?

Either way, my pack gets along with the Dark Moon Pack. I wouldn't mind giving help.


Hi guys, I know this is a short chapter but I only wanted this chapter to be on Keith. You will get to know him more in the next chapter and onwards.

S.A.Writes Xx

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