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And we are back with another

warning: This mentions abuse and
how Tomomi deals with the trauma.
I encourage anyone who has been or
is in this type of situation to tell someone

And if you know something like this
is happening to someone, please tell
someone. you would be saving someone's

Don't forget to comment and vote!

Happy reading!

"Leave her alone!"



Days usually went like this. Enji would train Shoto and Tomomi a point where one or the other would be too weak to even move, Rei would try and stop the situation, which caused a fight. And then he would release a string of insults their way before leaving.

It became the norm for the Todoroki siblings and as sad as it was, it was all they knew. This meant he loved them, right?

That was the question that the twins found themselves asking on a daily basis.

"No wonder she's so weak," Enji spat out as if his own daughter was nothing to him. "It's because of you. She's too much like you! She will never be anything. She is destined to always be nothing but a disappointment."

Rei held her daughter close to her as she felt her cry silently. Enji stormed out of the room and slammed the door, making the crying mother jump as she tried to comfort her daughter. "It's okay, sweetie." She whispered soothingly while Tomomi kept crying into her shoulder. "It's okay...."

This was a daily thing. Sadly, this was the normal in the Todoroki household. If it wasn't Tomomi, it was Shoto. If it wasn't Shoto, it was Rei who shielded them.

Tomomi often thought about the snowfall when things like this happened. She pretended that she was playing in the snow with her siblings, mom and dad and everyone was happy in her vision. Everything was okay. Everything was good.

And when the pain is gone, she fell asleep. And that's where the nightmares came into view. The scary images of losing her family because of her dad. She dreamt of blue flames and a maniacal laugh. She saw tears and heart ache. For a 5 year old, she didn't understand what it meant and why she was seeing these things. All she knew was that it was scary and she couldn't stop herself from freezing her room.

"Toto~" A soft voice would always whisper, bringing her out of the dark. "Toto~"

And when she woke up, she saw the face of her oldest brother, Touya, there. His unique blue eyes would always calm her down and reassure her that everything was okay. Even if it were for a moment.

"It was only a dream, Toto," He would say as he carried her in his arms. "It was only a dream. I promise you I won't let the monsters get you."

"Pinky promise?" She would sob out, sticking out her little pinky. Touya smiled softly, wrapping his bandaged pinky around hers. "Pinky promise."

Aizawa may be called a lot of things but one thing no one can take away from him is the amount of care he has for his students. Even if he never expressed it to them. He cared for all of his students and it wasn't just because he was a teacher and he had to care. Most teachers don't care. But not him. He took his role super seriously.

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐄. 𝘣𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘬𝘪 ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora