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I have a Devilman Crybaby
book out. I'll start writing
for it soon after I'm done
with this book and the MHA
movies book I plan on doing.

Because I know many people
like to skip the authors notes
( Don't do that, I hate repeating
myself ), I plan on making a section
for the special chapters on here and
I plan on writing the MHA movies
in a different book so that it won't
interfere with the story.

By the way, the winner of the polls are
as follows:

Hero Name: Sub-Zero
Internship: Miruko

But I'm sure you all knew that already.
Either way, I will be deleting the poll
since I have my answer now. Thank you all
for voting.

Do not be a ghost reader. I shouldn't have
a greater amount of reads than votes and
followers. Make yourself known, I love you all
and I love reading reactions and such.

Happy Reading!

Dabi was a liar. That much was figured out the day he left his entire family behind. The day he left his siblings behind, his mother and his old dreams. He was no longer Touya Todoroki, a boy with hopes that he can make his abusive father proud. He was now a man with too much blood on his hands and too much evil in his heart.

He knew he wasn't always like this. This.....monster.

He was someone's son, someone's older brother. He was Tomomi's older brother and only other happiness besides Shoto, Fuyumi, Natsuo and Rei. And for a while, he was her only reason to live on.

But the pain that stained his once pure heart was too much even for him to stay the way he was. So he had to kill Touya in order to be Dabi. And that's exactly what he did. And he didn't even look back.

Dabi knew someday their paths would cross. Especially since he was so hellbent on killing Enji Todoroki. He knew some day he would have to face his younger siblings. Perhaps all of them, perhaps only Shoto.

But he knew he would never be prepared to face his youngest sister. Tomomi, as dead as his heart was, still remained in it. Even if she was shadowed by his agenda.

A part of his brain, in which he refused to acknowledge, kept making him feel guilty for leaving her behind and breaking his promise to her. To this day, he wished he had went with taking her with him in the dead of night.

She was a lot like his old self, he realized. She was a lot like Touya. So calm, collected, smart and skillful. But she would never be like Dabi. Angry, vengeful, vindictive and manipulative.

And as fucked up as it he may be, he wasn't so evil as to push his views on his baby sister like that. Try and convince her to understand and join him, maybe. But he couldn't push his deadly agenda on her.

"You've been staring at the tv all day." Kurogiri interrupted is deep thinking. "What's eating you?"

Dabi grumbled a little, his eyes never leaving the tv as the Sports Festival played. There was a moment where a news reporter pointed their camera right on Tomomi Todoroki.

She got rid of the red streak, he notices. Bottom layer of her hair was red now. She noticed the camera on her and smiled kindly, waving hello to it with some girl with a wild ponytail standing next to her, doing the same thing.

Tomomi Todoroki, one half of the Todoroki Twins, Ice Empress. That's what they called her on tv. A face that haunted his dreams.

"Mind your business," Was all Dabi told Kurogiri. "Shouldn't you be bothering someone else?"

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