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okay, who's ready for
the chaos?...


no one is ever really ready
for chaos. but it's a thrilling
time, nonetheless.

don't forget to comment
and vote.

also, should Tomomi sing
for the school festival?
which song should she
sing, if so?

happy reading!

      After a few more days, the pro heroes teamed up with Nighteye to locate where Tomomi and Eri were exactly. Nighteye revealed how one of his men had bought toys for a little girl and a very expensive necklace, which he theorized as a manipulative tactic to gaslight Tomomi.

   Why? No one knows. Why was Overhaul gifting such an expensive gift to his victim if he only needed her for one thing?

   Just before they began their raid, Aizawa stopped by the hospital to tell Fuyumi, the twin's older sister and legal guardian, about the recent news. And while she was happy to know that they know where she is, she could only really make him promise to bring back her sister in one piece.

   Because she couldn't think about how they found Tomomi the first time she was taken. She didn't want to see her sister in that state ever again. Lifeless and damaged.

   After that was done, Aizawa began leaving the hospital ( Fuyumi was visiting her mother ). But he stopped in his tracks when he ran into someone he really hoped he wouldn't run into anymore.

   Enji Todoroki paused as he stood opposite to Aizawa. He was slightly shocked to see him there. But he shook it off and his eyes turned stoic.

   Aizawa looked at him blankly as the two waited a few seconds before speaking to each other.

   "You found her?" Enji asked, the tone of his voice was very much unreadable.

   Aizawa, deciding that now wasn't the time to be petty, just shook his head. "Yes, we did.....We'll get her back." He said monotoned.

   Enji nodded a little before walking past him. But not before saying something under his breath. "You're her teacher, you should stay that way."

   Now that irritated Aizawa and it made him snap. Before he could pass him, Aizawa replied with "If you acted like her father, maybe she wouldn't be looking for one right now."

   His words made him pause his walking as his eyes widened. Did he really just say that to him?

   Aizawa didn't bother to see his reaction as he began to leave. He had a job to do and he was not about to let some absentee father of a hero stop him from focusing on getting the girls back.

    It had been about 8 or 9 days since Tomomi received that necklace and in that time, Chisaki periodically came in to fill up a small bag of her blood, rendering her pretty weak and dizzy.

   But she managed to push through. She's honestly been through worse. So this was nothing to her. But what always brought her back was how much she wanted to get Eri out of here.

  She kept telling herself that she had to wait for the perfect moment. Eventually, one of them would slip and then she would be able to escape. She didn't know when that moment would come but she was hoping soon. Tomomi was starting to get bored and her arms and legs were getting tired of the restraints.

    "Hello, Miss Todoroki." Chisaki's voice flowed into her ears as Tomomi began looking around. Her arm was sore from the big needle Chisaki kept injecting into her vein so they were wrapped into a medical bandage.

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐄. 𝘣𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘬𝘪 ✓Where stories live. Discover now