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Someone wanted to know what
happened to Chisaki and what did
Nighteye see. In this chapter, you'll
see what happened in his vision.

I think you all will be happy about
this, honestly.

don't forget to comment and vote!
happy reading!

      "The inmate is safely secured." A police officer was debriefed as he checked his clipboard with his captain.

      After the arrest of Chisaki and his mafia, they had to be separated accordingly. In case he had any ideas on trying to escape.

     Chisaki was currently strapped to a gurney from the neck below. Partially due to being severely injured and partially to stop him from using his quirk. Not like he could, he has no arms. But he was a genius and they didn't want to take any chances.

     The captain shook his head diligently before  tapping the back of the truck. "Okay, all clear to transport the inmate. Let's roll out!"

    After he said that, the driver of the truck began driving out of the garage and into the road.

    Chisaki was out cold in the back of the truck as the driver continued on. The street was a bit busy and that was mainly due to afternoon traffic in the city. It seemed like nothing could wake him up. Not the rattling of the equipment near him, not the clinking chains around his body, nothing. Not even the driver's whistling.

     The driver began breaking away from the rest of the police trucks he was supposed to be following to the prison and took a road less traveled. Which went unnoticed by the other cops, somehow. The road he drove on had no other cars coming. It was like an empty highway road.

     Chisaki only woke up as soon as he felt the truck start to slow down. He groaned, shaking his head a little. His broken mask was strapped to his face still and he almost forgot what happened to him. But then he saw where he was and he remembered everything again.

    And now, he was strapped to a gurney, on his way to prison, and it was all because of a stupid teenager. He began to feel embarrassed and pissed off, all at once. He had to find a way to get out so that he can enact his revenge on that precocious little bitch.

     But just before he could think of a plan to get out, the doors of the truck swung open, revealing a officer with his had in his face, hiding a head of long black hair that was tied in a low pony tail behind his neck.

    "We're already here?" Chisaki asked sarcastically. "Didn't seem like a long drive at all. You mind not tying these chains so tight? Fucking killing me and this truck is filthy."

    The officer didn't say anything but climb the truck and walk over to his side. Chisaki frowned, not liking that he was being ignored. "Hey, I'm talking to-"

    "My apologies, Chisaki." the officer said. Chisaki squinted his eyes to get a good look at the officer. His eyes suddenly widened. His shoulders shook and his face turned pale as the officer took off his hat.

    Only, it wasn't an officer. It was Kurayami Ishida. Disguised as a police officer.

    Kurayami took off the hat and took out his hair from the ponytail, letting it fall all over his muscular shoulders. His skull face was on full display for him to see as he looked down at Chisaki with an unreadable face.

     "Kurayami!" He exclaimed angrily. "What the hell are you doing?!"

    Kurayami sighed, leaning against his bed, pulling out a black cigarette and lighting it with his pinky. He took a long inhale of it, allowing the smoke to fill his lungs before exhaling out of his nose. Directly in his face.

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐄. 𝘣𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘬𝘪 ✓Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu