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I've been very sick lately
and I didn't want to leave
you all hanging so I apologize
for this chapter being boring
I can barely keep my eyes open
( I just took NyQuil, I'm that sick )...

But we are back!
someone told me that
making Tomomi and Camie
rivals is a good idea...

I don't know, Tomomi might
just kill her if she pushes up
on both her brother and boyfriend

and the way she's been feeling,
she got black airforces on ( If you
understand that joke, I love you )

don't be a ghost reader, please
and I love you, you are beautiful.
(In case no one has told you that
today )

Happy reading!

     Tomomi came back to the class after she took the time to calm her nerves down. To say they were all worried, was an understatement. Tomomi came back to the class with her eyes a little red around her eyeline and lashes. Her eyes were also a little puffy and she seemed more distant than before.

   But she reassured them that she would be okay, forcing a convincing smile. So they left her alone.

   After Aizawa told his class to get dressed in their hero costumes, everyone met back into the arena, where there was a crowd of other students from different hero academies.

    Tomomi pulled down her hood and looked around herself. There were so many people there. Before she could say or do anything else, a tall man with a hunch over back spoke to the crowd.

    "Okay then, let's do this exam thing." He said, rather tiredly and boredly. "I'm from uh, Heroes Public Saftey Comission. Names Mera."

   "How tiresome he is." Tomomi mumbled, noticing how exhausted he looked.

    "My circadian rhythm is so screwed up, ugh man!" He said, just as his mic let out a squeak. "I've been swamped lately and I haven't gotten much rest. We're too short on staff, I'm so tired."

    Everyone remained silent after he confessed that. It was slightly awkward, too.

   "With that confession, I will now begin orientation." He continued on lazily. "So about the content of this license thing. The first one hundred students to pass the requirements will pass today."

    First hundred? Tomomi thought, just as shocked as everyone else was. That doesn't seem too fair.....Then again, when is their system ever fair?

   She listened as he began talking about the rules and what they had to do. Each student had targets on their backs, whoever can hit three of them will pass.

    The ground began to shake as the ceiling began to open. Soon the test would begin and Tomomi already began strategizing in her head as she placed her hood back over her head.

    After everyone got their targets on, the test begun. Immediately, every other student began running in different directions while most of Class 1-A stayed together.

   Everyone, stay close!" Midoriya instructed. "Let's take this as a group!"

   While some believed it would work, Bakugou hated that plan. "Idiot, this isn't a field trip." He chastised. "Come on, babe."

   Seeing as he wouldn't call anyone else babe, Tomomi knew he was talking about her. "Katsu-"

   "No, she's with me." Shoto said, grabbing hold of her left arm. "We work better together than apart."

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