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I honestly don't remember much about
this part of the show and manga so
forgive me if I mess up some parts.
I have terrible memory lol.....

also, I don't know if everyone
knows about Shoto's fire yet
but lets pretend they do for the
sake of the story. He just hasn't
used it yet.

       The hunting game began and the three walked through the dark corridors with extreme caution

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The hunting game began and the three walked through the dark corridors with
extreme caution. But all Tomomi could think was how they were going to win this. Between her and Shoto, battle strategy was his strong suit. And her father wouldn't let her forget that. Sadly, things like that made her insecure about this training period. Maybe she felt more comfortable being in a team with her brother. But she didn't want to rely on him all of the time. That was a weak thing to feel and she hated feeling useless.

"Tomo-chan, are you okay?" Midoriya asked, interrupting her thoughts. He began noticing that the area around them suddenly got a little cold the longer she stared into space with a frown in her face. And from what he remembers her saying about herself, she has no control over how her own body temperature. Thus causing areas near her to suddenly feel colder.

And it didn't take a rocket scientist to conclude that her emotions are also tied with her quirk.

Tomomi shook her head, flashing them both a small smile. "I am fine, thank you." her face suddenly turned serious and the area fell back into normal temp after she pushed away her thoughts. "Iida and Bakugou should not be too far. But I have a feeling that he could show up any minute now."

"How do you know that?" Uraraka asked, curiously as she looked around herself.

"From what I have learned from him, Bakugou lacks patience but he is a very good at aggression." She explained. "He'd break this entire place down if it meant he could win."

"She's right, we have to-"

Midoriya was cut off when suddenly, Bakugou popped out of a corner. He threw an explosive punch which would have nearly hit her had not Midoriya quickly tackled her and Uraraka down to the ground, making him hit the wall, instead.

His intentions were to go after him. Bakugou had no idea that Tomomi would be in front of him like that. But none of that mattered now, he wanted to win this and he wanted to beat Midoriya.

"Come, Deku. Don't dodge." He said in a voice that could only be described as menacing. Menacing and full of malice. Tomomi rose up, groaning from the impact she felt when she fell to the ground as Midoriya looked up at him.

"I figured you would come after me first." He said in a serious tone.

Meanwhile, back in the monitor room, the entire class watched carefully. Shoto frowned at what just happened. If Midoriya hadn't did what he did, Tomomi would have surely taken that hit. And from the looks of it, she would have taken some serious damage.

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