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I'm glad you all like
Akira. He is a cinnamon
roll and it will show a lot
in this book series.

He's just a very friendly
and passive guy with a
very scary quirk.

You'll see what I mean

Anyways, don't forget to
comment and vote! don't
be a ghost reader, please...

happy reading!

       Tomomi and Akira spent the better half of the school day touring the entire school. She told him all about U.A., how everything works and how Class 1-A works. Also what was to come when he met the rest at the dormitory.

    When Akira entered the school, he was enrolled on a reccomendation. Meaning whatever his quirk is has to be very impressive for him to be sent to the Hero Course right off the bat. She was curious about it but didn't want to pry at him. But she knew the others would be curious about him and his quirk.

    "Are you staying in the dorms?" She asked as they made their way to the dormitory.

   Akira nodded. "Yes. My stuff was already moved into the spare room they had." He explained as he held the door open for her. "I was lucky I could even move into the dorms. That means I can see my Mira a lot more now."

   Tomomi giggled a little. "You must really love her, huh?"

   "You have no idea." He mused over with that same loving smile on his lips. "She would like you. You two would get along with each other very well. Do you think your boyfriend would be open to meeting her, as well?"

   "Eheheh..." Tomomi chuckled nervously, scratching her cheek with her pointer finger. "Katsuki-chan isn't too keen on new people but I'm sure I can convince him otherwise."

   Just as she said that, Bakugou began to yell at everyone. "IF ANY OF YOU HAVE TRASH, GIVE IT HERE!"

    Akira sweatdropped while Tomomi squeezed the space between her eyes. He could now see what she was talking about. He was dressed in comfortable clothing and he had a trashbag in hand. He looked rather angry and a brute but at least he was handsome.

    He made Tomomi happy. He could tell. But still, he was so shocked to see how much the two were so opposite.

   Tomomi was calm and serene while Bakugou was rash and loud. But hey, opposites attract.

   "I have some here, thanks!" Kirishima walked over to him with his trash filled bag.

   "SURE!" Bakugou yelled, taking it.

   "Over here, too!" Denki followed along.


   "Me too."

   "This is heavy!" Mineta said, dragging his big bag filled with his personal trash over to Bakugou.


   "I take it that's Bakugou...." Akira said, pointing at him.

   Tomomi sighed, looking at her loud boyfriend with an exhausted look. "Yeah....That's him....He's supposed to be in bed." She sighed out, feeling an oncoming headache. "That stubborn man of mine."

   "Hey, Tomo-chan~" Mina greeted her as soon as she noticed her presence. "Where have you been today- Ooooh, who's your cute new friend?"

   As soon as she said that, all eyes were on Akira and her. Akira, being a very reseved person, blushed as he flashed them all a smile.

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