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I did say triple update
and that's what I will do....

I had to take a little break.
my fingers were hurting. I
stayed up almost all night writing
the last chapter.

anyways, don't forget to
comment and vote!

love you and happy reading!

        Tomomi began sending small amounts of the ice needles to Shimesu. To which he hastily began shielding himself with his tentacles as the ice needles began circling him in a shredding tornado. The speed of the ice shards were fast enough to cut up his tentacles really badly as he struggled to cover himself.

    "ARRGGHGH!" He exclaimed in pain as more damage was beingf done.

    Getting him at his most weakest, Tomomi broke through the vortext and kicked him, sending him flying a few feet ahead.

   Shimesu's body tumbled on the ground as he growled in pain. Blood coated his tentacles as he stood up, weak from the attack. He huffed as he leaned on a tree, watching Tomomi swung her ice scythe, preparing for battle.

   Spitting out blood, he glared at her. "You wanna be rough? Fine, princess...Let's be rough."

      The soundwave Tomomi's scythe created rippled through the entire forest, alerting everyone.

    Shoto stood up straight as him and Bakugou paused, feeling the soundwave pass them. "What the hell was that?" Bakugou asked, looking around.

    "I don't know." Shoto mumbled, looking around. He was about to move when he noticed something shiny stuck to a tree. Carefully, he walked over to the tree.

   "What the hell are you-"

    "This is Tomo's doing." Shoto said, interrupting him. He pulled the shard of ice from the tree, examining it. "This was her...That means, she must be close."

    "How do you know that?" he asked, looking at it.

   "This is a new move Tomo taught me." He explained. "The ice shards are compact to the size of a needle. They're like heat seeking missiles. They move wherever she commands them to go by flexing her finger in that direction."

   "You think she could be around here?"

    "......Who knows."

     In a different part of the forest, Dabi and Twice had gotten word that Shimesu was having trouble with a student. "Of course, he does." Dabi said, rolling his eyes. "Once again, I have to save his ass."

    "Maybe this student is a tough one." Twice said enthusiastically before switching moods. "Please, he lets his family name get to his stupid head, I hope he dies. How can you say that! I would never wish harm on my comrades! Fuck him!"

    "Fucking weirdo." Dabi chuckled out. Soon, they made it to the sight, following the sounds of rumbling.

    "Damn," Twice said, seeing the fight before him.

   It looked like Shimesu was having a lot of trouble with this fight and this student was no slouch, that's for sure. Looking closer, they realized who that was.
    Tomomi Todoroki. One of the students they were supposed to take and Dabi's little sister. Dabi didn't notice Twice talking as he kept his eyes on Tomomi, who was fighting Shimesu's tentacles off of her.

   He knew one day they would meet face to face. And like what he thought some time ago, he was not prepared to face her. Not like this. Not now. But he still had a job to do if he wanted to reach his goal.

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐄. 𝘣𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘬𝘪 ✓Where stories live. Discover now