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her outfit is in the media above

I am on wattpad because
I finally got over my writing
block and as a gift, I want to
give a sneak peek or two to
future events of book two and
manga events

so if you don't want to be spoiled,
do not read this and do not post
spoilers for those who haven't got
that far.

be respectful.

happy reading!

"T-Tomomi?" Izuku tiredly whispered as he stared at the figure in all black. The sirens of the police cruisers roamed by as the night wind blew through his dark green hair. His lifeless eyes surveyed the faceless figure, thinking he was hallucinating again. This has to be a hallucination. This can't be real.

Either that or his tiredness is playing mind tricks on him again. But something told him that she was no imagination in his head, she was real. He hadn't slept in so long, reality and imagination started playing with him. And she was one of the people he saw the most. Scolding him, taunting his every move.

The figure wore all black. Black skirt that reached all the way to her ankles, a long black hoodie. It was so long, the sleeves covered her hands and the hood she wore practically flooded her head. But her long and pure white hair laid over her chest, bone-chillingly straight and lightly blowing through the wind of the cold night sky.

"It's been a while...." She spoke. Her voice sending chills down Izuku's spine. Like someone had dragged an ice cube over his back. Like he was naked in the middle of the arctic.

"Izuku." his eyes widened as her head lifted, allowing the shadow of her hood to fade. Revealing her face to him.

It was Tomomi. It really was her. She was here. And Izuku couldn't believe it. She was here with him.

Her face looked slightly pale but she still had color to her skin. Her once sparkling light blue eyes were now bone-chillingly ice blue, cold-blooded and distant. They used to be so kind and friendly. Filled with life and love. Now, they were just as lifeless as his were.

Her hands, he saw, were clasped in front of her. They were still dainty and pretty but a bit skinnier than before. Her nails were long, pure white and super sharp. Like they were made to rip out someone's throat. Like they were killer hands.

Izuku noticed that she had slight dark redness underneath her eyes. Like she had been crying for a long time. Almost like she was a spectre, haunting him. And even then, Izuku thought she is still the most bewitching and captivating girl he has ever seen in his life.

"You're not real." Izuku mumbled roughly, pulling down his tattered hood. He took off his mouth piece as his scarf flew a little behind him. "You're in my head again.....Are you here to ridicule me once more?"

Tomomi's face remained cold and emotionless. No frown, no sadness, no nothing. Like a wall of ice, she had no emotions in her face. But her words spoke volumes.

"You hallucinate about me?" She asked, fiddling with her thumbs. "I don't know if I should be flattered that you think of me or insulted that you would think so low of me."

"Yeah, well...." Izuku trailed off, shrugging. "There's not a lot of happy things happening in my life now.....In fact, there haven't been a lot of good things to think about. It's only been a month."

"It's only been a month." Tomomi echoed, letting out a soft chuckle as she walked over to the roof ledge. "A month of villains roaming free, crime rates going up by the hour and talk of a scary vigilante in green mercilessly stopping them....No face, no name..."

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