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Outfit is in the media

also yes I am making it
known in this book that
Tomomi may be humbled,
but her taste and money ain't!

like imagine Shoto had this
type of energy in the show?
We would not be ready for
rich boy Shoto.

But anyways...

Hello yall!
It's me, ya girl!

Anyways, so remember
when we talked about
arrange quirk marriages?

She's not going to be
forced into one but
Enji will try to convince her
to at least consider it because
nothing gains your child's forgiveness
by wanting them marry someone
because of their quirk.

also I needed an excuse to have
Bakugou in this season seeing as
in Season 4, we hardly even see
him or we don't see him at all.

This is still a Bakugou fic, you know

Don't be a ghost reader. I love
reading your comments, they
give me serotonins.

happy reading!

this will be a relatively short
chapter since this is just a filler
before the main plot starts.

       "How are you feeling, Miss Todoroki?"

   Tomomi sat in a luxury looking office room, where it smelled like fresh lemons and the decorations were rather gothic and old styled. But this was considered the best children's psychiatrist in the city so it would have to do.

   It has been about Four weeks since everything that happened to Tomomi and most of her time was spent in a courtroom.

   When those photos were posted for the world to see it, Enji Todoroki immediately wanted to sue the news outlet that first posted it, seeing as they were the source of the incriminating photos being spread all over. And because Tomomi was a victim, she had to be there with her family.

   Not the best way to spend your after school time in but now that was settled and her family won the case, she could relax from that now. But right after that, Fuyumi pressured Tomomi into considering going to therapy. To which, she declined. But after a few tries and Shoto pleading with her to consider it, she decided to go through with it.

   The first two days were rough. She didn't want to talk to Mrs. Saiki, her therapist, so conversations were one sided.

   The other two days, she barely uttered a word to her but Mrs. Saiki was patient with her, nonetheless.

   And today, it was friday and suddenly, Tomomi felt comfortable enough to talk about herself to her.

   "I don't know, I've been better as time went on." Tomomi sighed, sighing as she crossed her legs. She said on a big and plush black couch while Mrs. Saiki sat in a love seat across from her.

   A black marble coffee table separated them.

   "But then when I think I'm going to be okay, something always messes this up so....There's that."

   "That's a nice outfit. Chanel?" She asked, pointing her pen at her outfit.

   Tomomi hummed, crossing her arms and leaning her back onto the couch even further. Her foot swinging just a little. " Chanel Summer Collection 2019. Right off the runway."

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐄. 𝘣𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘬𝘪 ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora