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So there was this
funny TikTok where
most of the boys of
class a caught each other
creeping out of their
respected girlfriends
dorm rooms and they
just sort of stared at
each other and I thought
why not write about it?....

so here we are. This is
the very last special
chapter update until
the end of the book

I'll finish the valentines
special and everything
after the main story.

Don't be a ghost reader please
I love your comments and votes

Love you and happy reading!

       Bakugou noticed that Tomomi fell asleep on her bed after their cuddle session. It was Thursday night and the two decided to hang out in her dorm room. Just the two of them.

     They got homework done, watching a multitude of movies and anime together and even listened to music together. Afterwards, Tomomi didn't want him to leave yet so she asked if he could cuddle her and just talk.

   Albeit, she had a hard time asking. She kept blushing and looked very shy. She was even wearing his black shirt with the skull on it with pajama shorts and because she looked too good in his clothing, he couldn't say no to her. So he skipped his bed time and stayed with her.

     But before that, the couple had a make out session in which resulted in Tomomi getting a pretty noticeable love bite on her neck and Bakugou also receiving one on his neck. But no one needed to know that.

   Once he noticed her soft breathing and her relaxed body growing more relaxed, he knew she fell asleep. Looking over at her electronic clock, it was almost midnight. 11:53 pm, to be exact. Which meant he had to sneak out of her room before Mr. Aizawa catches him there and he gets in trouble.

    Either that or Iida finds him and snitches. But given the fact that it's late, he would be sleep right now.

   Carefully, Bakugou placed Tomomi's head and body in her bed, tucking her into her blankets and kissing her forehead softly. Which made her sigh softly and snuggle in her pillows more.

    Careful to not make any noise, he climbed out of her bed and walked slowly towards her door. Once he made it to her door, he quietly opened it and left her room, closing the door as quietly as possible.

    Bakugou sighed in relief after he closed the door all the way. When he turned around, he nearly yelled and shot explosives out of his hands. But he just stood there, staring at whoever was behind in pure shock.

   He saw Midoriya also closing Uraraka's dorm from across the hallway.

    He knew it was her room because recently, the girls all began decorating the outside of their door with things that represented them.

   For example, Tomomi's door was painted light blue with sparkling blue hearts, snow flakes, and pearls around her door with her name in white cursive.

   Uraraka's door was painted pink with a galaxy theme and her name also in cursive.

   "Deku?!" He exclaimed out, surprising the green haired boy.

     Good thing the dorms were completely soundproof, otherwise that would have been woken up everyone.

    "Ah! Kacchan!" Midoriya jumped, spinning around to face him.

     His face was completely red and he looked rather embarrassed but petrified at the same time. He was not expecting anyone else to be in the girls side at this time. He thought he could just sneak out undetected.

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