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just to let you all know,
i do tend to change things
about the series because I
want it to fit the plot of
my character's story......

i've said this many times
and this will be the last time
i say it. I know some of the things
aren't accurate to the show but
in order for it to make sense
to my oc, i change some parts
up to fit it in the story.

because i believe in giving depth
to my ocs and not just have them
be there just to be there.

anyways, do not be a ghost reader
i love reading your comments, they
make me laugh so much and they
cheer me up on bad days.

love you and happy reading!

            Snow continued to fall over all of Japan as newpapers and Broadcasts worked around the clock to bring updates on the extremely cold weather and snow. The next day wasn't any better. Businesses were forced to close due to the extreme conditions, the pavements became more snow than cement, roads were a little dangerous and everyone either stayed inside or had to bundle up before leaving their home.

    "It would appear that the snowy weather has just hit islands around South Korea."

    Rei looked out her window, at the snow and held her necklace. She sighed, a solemn look on her face. Her baby was missing and she hadn't been able to sleep since she heard about the news last night. And while she worried sick for her, Rei felt strangely comforted.

    Everytime she looked at the snow, she felt comfort, for some reason. Like the snow was telling her that her little girl was alive and okay. She couldn't explain it but it was like the snow was talking to her. Even when it raged through the night last night.

    "Mrs. Todoroki?"

     Rei blinked, turning around to see a nurse walk in after knocking. "Yes?"

    "You're daughter and son are here to see you." She said, poking her head through even more.

    Rei smiled a little, turning away from the winow. "Let them in, please. It's uncommon for them to visit this early in the week."

   The nurse nodded before leaving. About 5 seconds later, in came Fuyumi and Natsuo,  both of who were dressed warmly. "Hey, mom." Fuyumi said, unwrapping her scarf from around her neck.

   "Hey," Natsuo greeted, pulling her into a gentle hug.

    Rei hugged her son back before reaching over to hug Fuyumi. "If I would have know you two were going to stop by, I would have looked a bit better." She joked, as they laughed a little, sitting down on her bed.

   Fuyumi sat on one side of her while Natsuo sat on the other.

   Rei held each of their hands with both of hers. Their hands all equally cold.

   "How is Shoto doing?" She asked, concerned for her youngest son.

   Fuyumi sighed, running her fingers through her hair. "He....he just doesn't want to see anyone or talk to anyone." She explained. "The only time he would come out of his room was if he needed to but other than that, he....."

   Rei looked disheartened. Out of all of her children, Tomomi and Shoto were very much inseperable. And this was possibly the longest he has been away from his twin sister. Some call it a twin thing. But Rei believes they were born like Yin and Yang. It was no accident that they were twins, she thinks.

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