Chapter 32

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We were all set to go home today. The babies were cleared of all health problems and could be taken home. Of course, I didn't know what to expect, what would this house Olivia built for us even look like. I wondered if I would like it. The babies were all packed up in their little outfits Willa bout for them. Their little hats said double and their onesies said trouble, which is cute, but when Willa showed it to me I rolled my eyes and laughed. Her sense of humor was something else. They slept so peacefully in the car seats it was very cute.

"You ready?" Jonah asked me.

"Let's go home," I said. I carried William and Jonah carried Joelle. I was just happy to finally be out of that hospital. It was nice to feel strong again. My body is now fully healed from giving birth and everything that went on with my father. The only downside was the hunger I felt for blood. I still wasn't used to it. I restricted myself from it but that only made the hunger worse.

"Here." Jonah handed me a blood bag. "Before you object, you have to remember that you need to build your strength. You're useless as a vampire if you don't drink. I know it's all still new to you, but we can work on it together."

I grabbed the blood bag and drained it all within seconds. Jonah gave a small laugh before handing me another one. The car ride wasn't long, but it was quiet. It was nicely quiet. Once we reached our destination, I couldn't help but look in awe. "This is the house she built? This place is huge." I said.

"Mom loves big houses

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"Mom loves big houses. You should see the house I grew up in. It's three times bigger than this, and mom was the one who designed it and had it built. Let's go inside." He said. I was too busy looking at the massive work of art in front of me to notice he had grabbed the babies and was walking ahead of me. I caught up still taking in the view; it was beautiful, more than I imagined.

Once I opened the door, I was greeted by everyone welcoming us home. I was so happy. I've never gotten this kind of treatment before and it honestly filled my heart.

"Okay first thing first, I am moving in with you, because this place is amazing and it's better than my old tiny apartment, plus you'll need me around. And second, you have to see the babies' room. I helped decorate and it's amazing." We followed the upstairs to the nursery. The minute I laid eyes on it, I was speechless. It was so amazing.

	"You guys, this is so cute

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"You guys, this is so cute. Look at the little cribs. Everything in here is amazing. I love it." I hugged Willa and Olivia. "This place is so amazing. I wasn't expecting all of this. You managed to build this house for us in four months, and also this great nursery. Thank you." I said.

"Darling, you're part of this family now, I will do anything for you. Besides, a group of vampires can build anything in the nick of time. I'm glad you love it, how about we place the little cubs down in their new beds and explore the rest of the house." Olivia said. We placed the sleeping babies down in their new cribs and went around the house. There were a lot more rooms than I expected. Willa already decided that the other half of the house was hers. I didn't object I loved Willa and living with her would be amazing.

"If I get married and have children, just know we're living here." She said Everyone laughed.

"You really plan on living with me for that long? Well, I guess first you'll have to find someone to marry you first. Oh, maybe Stefan can be the lucky man." I said joking.

"What's with you and trying to put us together."She said.

"Is this Stefan another witch?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah, an immortal one who's like a hundred years old. He's cute and all, but not the one for me. I honestly don't even know if I want to be in a relationship or married." She said.

"That's because you haven't found the one yet. When you find that person, you will understand love." Olivia said. I couldn't help but agree with her. I honestly never knew what love was until Jonah.

"I say good luck to the lucky guy. This one a handful." I laughed. Willa joined in.

"Am I interrupting a good time?" Xander asked walking into the house. We could all feel the tension between him and Jonah. They still haven't resolved their problem yet.

"Wow, it's like the room got colder," Willa said, I gave her a stare.

"Who said you were welcome in my home?" Jonah said.

"Jonah, that's no way to speak to your brother," Olivia said.

"He's not my brother, my brother had honor and didn't try to kiss my girl when I wasn't around," he said. Xander scoffed.

"Who's the one who used his girlfriend to try and kill me?" The fight started soon after, brother hurting brother breaking the new furniture. Loud thuds sounded through the house, waking the babies. My anger rose up and I decided I had enough. I grabbed both of them by the neck and dragged them out of the house. I threw both of them forcefully into separate trees.

"I have had enough! It's one thing to say hurtful words and get under each other's skin, but it's another to destroy the new home your mother built for me and those babies! Also you two meatheads woke the babies! Considering I am channeling anger from both of you right now, I wouldn't get on my bad side, or I going to make you wish you hadn't upset me!"

"I want both of you to apologize! Now! All of this pent up anger towards each other is giving me a headache. You two aren't allowed to move from those spots until you talk things through and learn to get along. Because right now you're acting like children. I will be listening so you better not think half-assed apologies will work. Matter of fact, this is your motivation. The fire will burn out once you two have actually apologized and it is sincere. Understood? I said understood!"

"Yes ma'am," They said in unison.

"Good, I'm glad we understand each other. Oh and the longer you take the closer the ring gets. Unless you want to burn I suggest you get to it."I said calmly. I turned around to see puzzled looks on everyone's faces."What?" I asked.

"You just put two Alpha males in time out and told them to get along or else. Wow, you have come along way. My sweet innocent Kennedy is a badass." Willa said.

"I'm just tired of the sibling rivalry, and honestly they need to talk things through. It will be good for them. Now come one the twins are crying."

A/N- Sorry if the chapter is a little short, I've had trouble writing for the last couple of weeks. I hope this chapter is still good though. I also hope you don't mind the pictures inserted in the chapter. I wanted you to see my vision of how everything looked. I will do my best to finish the book before the end of the month stay tuned for the next chapter let's see if the boys can get past their problems.

Xoxo-Hawa :)

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