Chapter 27

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I woke up in the hospital again, but this time no one else was in here. My body felt heavy like I got hit by a bus, and it backed over me. I didn't understand why I felt this way. Vampires are supposed to be able to heal quickly, but in my case, it seems that it is just the opposite. I tried to remember the last thing that happened before I passed out. All I remember is waking up and going somewhere.

"Morning sleepyhead," Willa said, walking in with a tray of food.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"You don't remember?" I shook my head. "Your body was under a lot of stress, so that's understandable. You, ma'am, decided to play hero to your baby daddy and went to help him. I mean, honestly, you could have just sent Xander to help him out, but instead, you didn't. You ended up burning through your already depleted magic and overexert yourself, and Jonah was badly hurt. But don't worry, he's okay now, just asleep in the next room." She said.

"How long have I been out?"

"A few days now, the doctor put you into a little medical coma. Your body really needed healing, and you also needed some sleep. You are almost completely healed."

"I'm supposed to be this almighty vampire; why hasn't that kicked in yet? I could really use it right now." I said.

"It's because you haven't eaten in a while. Your energy becomes lower, and your body doesn't heal as quickly as you would want it too." Xander said, standing at the door.

"Well, I guess I'm eating now," I said, grabbing the sandwich from the plate and taking a bite. I spit it out just as fast as I took the bite. "That tastes disgusting," I said. Willa looked at me in confusion.

"I personally put that sandwich together for you; it has all your favorite things in it. Just the way you like it." She said pouting, I tried to eat the pasta, and it just gave the same outcome. It all tasted disgusting to me.

"Are you sure this is all fresh food?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I brought it over from the packhouse. Olivia just... made it.." She stopped her sentence and looked at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, it's just your eyes are blood red, and your fangs are out." She said. I could hear the thumping of her heart. It was growing louder and louder in my head. Her neck looked very good. I just wanted to take a bite of it.

"As I said, you haven't eaten in a while, and when I say eat, I mean blood. You need to feed." Xander said.

"I can't, I won't. I don't care how hungry I am." I said. But I knew I couldn't hold back for much longer. Willa tried to get up off the bed, but I grabbed her arm.

"Woah there, Ken, I know you don't want to hurt me." She said.

"Here, let go of her, and you can have it," Xander said, holding a blood bag. Everything inside me said it wasn't a good idea, but the vampire instinct was too strong. I grabbed the bag and ripped through it with my teeth, emptying the contents.

"I'm definitely not gonna get used to seeing this," Willa said. "I was still hungry, and Willa still looked good. "Wait, why didn't her eyes change back?"

"She's still hungry. She's a newly emerged vampire; their hunger is stronger and harder to appease. That blood bag did absolutely nothing for her. Which is why I brought more." he said.

"You just carry blood bags with you? Nevermind, I forget you are half-vampire," Willa said. While she turned away from me talking to him, I lunged at her and grabbed her; before I could take a bite of her, Xander pulled her away. "Did she just... did you just try to take a bite out of me?"

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