Chapter 24

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The pack had been on the move for hours, I was leading the search with Olivia, and Elias who may I add was a gorgeous man especially for his age. I mean he is a hybrid meaning he doesn't age as quickly, but God gave him really good looks, and his accent just made him ten times better. He made all the other men of this pack look below average, well except for Jonah he was a very good looking guy, but he was second compared to Elias. We've been out here for hours tracking Ken and Jonah. Initially, we were going to use the babies to track them, but I got another idea when we got here. It was a spell that would be tracking all of the movement in the woods and distinguish by species. Our group was associated with white dots and the vampires were red. There weren't many people in these woods, so it wasn't hard to see who was who. We noticed a while back the two figures were moving fast and far, I guessed it was Jonah and Kennedy but there was no saying if it was true.

"They stopped a couple of miles in that direction. I'd say that if we keep going that same way we should be able to meet them in the middle." I explained to everyone.

"Are you sure that's them?" Liam asked me.

I motioned for him to come closer to view the map, " This is us right, and this giant red stain here is the vampires. In between the both of us are these two dots which happen to be white and a darker shade of red. I'd say that with the rate of speed they are moving and how far they are from the rest, that they represent Ken and Jonah. If they were vampires they wouldn't have stopped for a couple hours. I'd say they are both pretty weak and probably injured which means they would need to stop for a while to heal and gain some strength."

"How exactly are you tracking all the movement?"

"It's a spell I created when I was younger, I changed it a little so it now tracks any and every movement in these woods. Well excluding the animals since they would be hiding from us anyways." i explained.

"I've seen magic being done before, but none of the witches I know can create spells this big, you seem pretty advanced." he said.

"You have no idea the kind of power that runs through these veins. I can do a lot more than this, I'm just humble." I said.

We kept walking, tracking Ken and Jonah. I noticed hesitation in their position. They were stopped again, for a little too long, seeing as the vampires were getting closer to them. We were still a little far from them so if the vampires got them we would be too late.

"We need to send a group out and fast, they stopped a few miles in front of us, but the vampires are getting close." I said.

"I'll take a couple wolves to get to them." Elias said, Liam followed him along with a couple of wolves. I hoped they got to them before the vampires did. I saw that Elias' group got closer to Ken and Jonah, but just as they were about to make contact, Ken moved at a quick speed towards the vampires, and Jonah followed after her. Just as they made contact with the vampires, they disappeared from the map along with the vampires. Elias and his group came back.

"By the time we got there they were gone. They left this." Liam said, handing me a note.

"What happened?" Olivia asked them.

"I smelled blood, like a lot of it. They lured her to them with it; we followed but they disappeared."Elias explained.

"They have a witch on their side., and not just any witch; a powerful witch." I said.

"You know this witch?" Liam asked me.

"I don't just know her, I hate her."

Who is she?" Olivia asked

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