Chapter 30

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Everyone acted quickly the minute my water broke. Willa opened a portal to the hospital, and Liam carried me through Willa and Olivia right behind us. The second we arrived, I was placed onto a stretcher and rushed to the delivery room. The pain was unbearable; I could tell something was wrong. No one told me anything, but I could tell it wasn't good. Willa and Olivia held both my hands as we moved through the hospital. Olivia and Willa were kicked out of the room while the doctors were working. The look on their faces told me something was off.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "I can sense it okay if something is wrong. Besides, I feel a sharp pain, and I can tell it has nothing to do with contractions." Said to them.

"There is some bleeding; we can stabilize you, but we need to deliver these babies soon; if we don't, both babies could die." He said.

"Okay, if it means saving them, then fine, do it. Please save my babies." I said, tears in my eyes. We couldn't lose them now, not after everything. I don't think Jonah could survive being the cause of their deaths, even if it were a mistake made in anger. The doctors managed to stabilize the bleeding, and they gave me something to help calm my nerves. Willa and Olivia came into the room, they put on smiles, but I could tell they were scared.

"You have to bring Jonah here," I said.

"You still want to see that asshole after what he just did?" Willa asked.

"He was angry, and he acted badly, I know, but I need him here; I don't think I can do this by myself," I said.

"You have us, Ken; we won't leave you," Willa assured me.

"I don't want him not to be here and feel guilty later. Please, one of you get him here pleas..." I screamed in pain.

"Okay, I will go get him, breath. Okay, breathe. I'll be back, take care of her." Willa said. She quickly rushed out, and I grabbed onto Olivia's hand and squeezed while another painful contraction came.


I couldn't believe she wanted to see that asshole after he hurt her to the point she has to give birth. I wouldn't say I liked Jonah right now; all I wanted to do was make him hurt the way Ken is hurting. I understand being angry, but he should have never taken it out on her, she did nothing but try to help him, and now this happened. I did a locator spell and tracked him down. When I got to the river, I saw him with Elias. He was all scratch dup and still angry.

"I hurt her; I can't go see her now. She probably hates me right now." Angry, I threw a fireball at him.

"She isn't angry at you, but I am. How could you hurt her? She was pregnant and vulnerable, and you let your anger get the best of you." I said.

"Is she okay?" He asked me; I threw another fireball at him, he dodged it.

"Is she okay? How dare you after what you did to her! She isn't okay! Do you know that the second she hit that ground, she went into labor? Not only that, but she was bleeding excessively! She is in a lot of pain, and the doctors don't think those babies will survive! She is holding out for you, putting herself and those babies at risk for you!. So you know what, find courage! Get your ass to that hospital and support her, or I swear to god I will hurt you like no one has ever hurt you before."

He didn't say anything and came with me to the hospital. When we got there, Xander was waiting outside the room.

"You shouldn't be here," Jonah said through gritted teeth.

"And you should? Considering you're the reason she is forced into painful labor?" Xander said.

"Look, I get that you two are having a moment of hate, but can the two of you push it all away for a minute. We don't have time for this." I said. They mumbled an agreement, and Jonah came into the room with me. Ken was screaming in pain.

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