Chapter 14

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My mind was filled with the memories I had made over the past couple of years good and bad. I watched as they passed by like a movie. Willa stood by my side.

We walked deeper into my subconscious to find the hidden memories. We came across a big red door. I tried to open it, but I wouldn't budge.

"I can't get it open," I said to Willa.

"Let's try together." She said. We held the knob together and opened the door. "You ready?" She asked. I nodded and we walked forward. Everything went dark, and I couldn't feel Willa next to me.


"Willa!" I yelled. Suddenly, I felt a hand grasp mine. I screamed.

"It's me," Willa said. I sighed in relief.

"Why is everything dark?" I asked her.

"Your mind is adjusting to us being in here, Just relax and wait." She said. I nodded. Suddenly, the light came back and we were in a new place. I looked around. This was my old neighborhood from when I was younger. I saw myself walking up the stairs of my apartment building. We followed close behind.

'Why would it take us here?" I asked.

"Whatever happened to you started here," Willa explained. We followed little Kennedy into the building. We watched as she went up to her apartment building and took out the keys. Just as she was about to open the door, a lady came up to her. She smiled at her.

"Hi, Julie." She said to the lady.

"Hi darling, how was your day?" Julie asked.

"It was good, how was your day?" The conversation seemed very harmless. Why didn't I remember this woman?

"I'm going out for a treat, would you like to join me?" She asked. Little Kennedy nodded and followed the woman. They walked to a nearby diner and ate some ice cream. They had a nice little conversation. I had the biggest smile on my face. I was actually happy which I don't remember ever feeling when I was with my mother.
Just then, a man in a dark coat walked into the dinner. The smile he gave me told me that something bad was about to happen. A whole group of men dressed in black walked into the store and surrounded us. The lady Julie got up and told me to stay where I was.

"You have no business here." She told the men.

"We do whatever we want witch." the man said. They tried grabbing her, but she fought them off. She was a strong witch, I could see that, but she was outnumbered. One of the men grabbed me and I yelped. Julie looked back at me.

"Come with us peacefully, or we hurt the girl." He held me close with a knife to my throat.

"Julie what's going on." I heard myself say tears filling my eyes.

"Let her go, she has nothing to do with this," Julie said. I saw myself chant a fire spell. The man that grabbed me arms caught on fire and I ran to Julie.

"So we got another witch on our hands. Take them both." The man ordered. And we were taken quickly.


A new scene played in front of us, I was unconscious and so was Julie. I woke up and ran over to Julie trying to wake her up.

"Julie wake up," I said, but she wasn't waking up.

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