Chapter 7

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Since the coven tried to control me, I've been on watch day and night by both Jonah and Willa. Neither of them risked leaving me alone even for a second. I wasn't getting much sleep either, I knew that once I was unconscious I was easy to manipulate.

"You look really tired." Olivia Jonah's mother said. I rested my head on the kitchen table.

"You have no idea. Can I have some coffee?" She raised her eyebrows at me.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Here, have some tea instead." I reluctantly took the cup of tea and drank.

"You should try getting some rest, I know you don't like it seeing what is happening when you sleep, but for the sake of those babies, you will need the sleep. Trust me, an alpha pregnancy is not as much of a picnic as it seems." 

"What do you mean?"

"No one has told you?"

"Told me what?" I asked interested in what she had to say.

"Darling, you're pregnant with the children of an Alpha, your pregnancy is not going to be normal. To begin, your body is evolving to be more werewolf-like to protect the babies, but your pregnancy won't be as long as you may think. I think you might have noticed your belly getting bigger, and you have only been pregnant for a couple of weeks. Alpha babies tend to develop a lot faster during pregnancy." She explained.

"So how long does that give me?" I asked.

"Give or take 4-6 months." My eyes widened.

"Woah, wait you're saying Alpha babies develop in 4-6 months? So these things are going to be birthed in the next 4 months?"

"Relax, that's why I'm here, I've been through the works when it comes to high born babies. I'll walk you through it." She said.

"Anything else I need to know?" 

"Well, birth in this family is never easy. Jonah nearly died when he born, but as you can see he is alive and well. There is a little bit of a curse on firstborns in this family."

"Seriously?" I asked

"Why do you think Jonah didn't want kids? He spelled himself so he couldn't have any children, afraid they would die. The firstborn child of each generation is cursed. It started with me and moved on to Jonah. I can tell you feel the same."

"I didn't want children either because it meant going back to that coven. I didn't want any children of mine to be in that coven." She nodded.

"Well, enough talk about this, how is your magic is going."

"I think because my body is changing, my magic has been put on pause. Which is why the coven can get into my head. My charms are weak and I don't have the magic to put them back up. This whole situation is weird.''I told her.

"I know, but trust me it will all be worth it in the end when you are holding those babies and you hear their first cries and all those little fingers and toes. I remember when Jonah was born, I didn't want to put him down." I smiled, placing one of my hands on my stomach.

"I don't think I'll make a good mother. I don't have anyone to look up too in that aspect." a look of concern flashed on her face at my words.

"You didn't have a mother?" She asked

"No, I did, she just decided her magic was more important than her daughter so she chased after it. She left me when I was five years old. I was alone for two years with nobody when the coven found me. The coven wasn't much help either, everyone was always interested in being a mother and bringing new life to the coven, I didn't care much for stuff like that." I Shrugged.

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