Chapter 33

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A/N- !!! This chapter is going to be in the third person because that's the only way I see how to convey it all. Sorry ahead of time if it seems weird or you hate it!!!

The two men stared at each other, neither one wanting to start up the conversion. The ring of fire surrounding them grew closer. They each had so much to say and knew what was at stake if they didn't speak.

"Are you really going to let yourself burn just to prove how much you hate me?" Xander said to his elder brother. "What about those two babies waiting for you in the house? Are you going to let them grow up fatherless?"

"You're the one who brought on the problem, so you should be the one to apologize. I've done nothing wrong." Jonah said.

"So getting the mother of your children to nearly rip my heart out was nothing?"

"I didn't tell her to do that, she did it all on her own."

"They were your feelings she was channeling! Clearly, you want me dead! You have so much hatred towards me just because father gave me the pack you always wanted! I was a kid Jonah, I had no say in the matter! How the hell was I supposed to know he would give the pack to me instead of you!" Xander's anger finally arrived. He was ready to speak his mind on the way he truly felt.

"Is that really the only thing you think I'm angry about? Yes am angry you got the pack I've always wanted, but I grew up and I built my own, we are just as strong if not stronger. I'm angry because you have always wanted what's mine, and you've always gotten it. Growing up I've done nothing but give you everything I've ever had or wanted because you whined about it until mom and dad forced me to give it to you! I even had to give up the woman I loved to you because she loved you more than me! I'm done giving you everything! You will not take Kennedy away like you did Jane!" The topic of Jonah's true anger finally was revealed. It was Jane his previous lover, the woman who broke his heart to the point he became cold and hatred fueled his heart. Jane, the raven-haired beauty that never left his heart.

"I knew this was all about Jane. You never let that go now did you. You just could never see how she was using you. Jane never loved you, if she had she would never have left you."Xander tried explaining to his brother.

"You are a liar, you took the opportunity to get close to her and snaked your way into our relationship. She was happy with me, then you came along and took her away. You just couldn't see me happy now could you?"

"Jane played both of us, all she wanted was power, she wanted to be the luna of a powerful pack and didn't care how she got there. I was young and I was stupid for letting her trick me. I thought that she loved me, it took me a while to realize that she didn't care for anyone but herself. Jane didn't love you, Jonah, she only loved herself." The second the words left his mouth, jonah was lunging at him knocking him down, throwing punches with every word.

"If you hadn't gotten in the way, I would have figured it out myself! Do you think I'm that stupid? I felt her pulling away! I knew she didn't love me anymore! If you weren't there I would have been able to let her go without feeling empty inside! But you got in the way and you made it so she had no choice but to rip my heart out. You have no idea the pain you caused me!" Xander just laid there taking his brother's anger. "Why aren't you fighting back!"

"I won't hurt you, Jonah, we both know I can," Xander said.

"Fight back!"

"I'll take your hatred brother, and we will move on from this. You have love now, you have a family, get over it!"

"It's not the same!" Jonah said.

"How is it not the same? Don't you love her?"

"She's not Jane!" with those words, the flames died out. Kennedy stood there holding back tears.

"I didn't realize I had to be her for you to love me." Both brothers turned to her, Jonah got up and walked towards her.

"Wait, Kennedy, I didn't mean that."

"But you did, it's your truth. You've held on to Jane for years now, you didn't even realize she was still in your heart. Look around you Jonah, the flames died out. Your brother spoke his truth and it was up to you to speak yours. I'm just the stupid one who couldn't see you were still in love with a woman who did nothing but hurt you."She said.

"Kennedy." He pleaded

"I think it's best if you go back to the pack for a while. I can deal with the kids on my own."

"I don't want to do that. Look it was a mistake."

"The mistake was me giving my heart to you! Letting you in! I knew somehow you would hurt me I just didn't want to believe it! I'm clearly the idiot!. Just leave!." She said, the sadness gone anger replaced it.


"I said leave!" She threw him back using her mind, showing she meant it. "I don't want to see you and I suggest you get out now before I seriously hurt you."

"Okay. I'll leave, I'm sorry Kennedy." He transformed into his wolf and disappeared into the woods.

"Are you okay?" Xander asked.

"I'll be fine, I'm used to people disappointing me. It's best if you leave too, you've done enough." Xander would have fought against the idea, but he could see in her eyes that she wanted him gone just as much as his brother, so he left.

Kennedy walked back into the house, stares of pity coming her way, she ignored them and walked ahead to her room, slamming the door behind her. In the woods, Jonah ran and ran not wanting his feelings to catch up to him, hating himself for the way he hurt her.

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