Chapter 15

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I was knocked out of Kennedy's mind as soon as she had let go of my hand. Our connection was severed and I couldn't get back in. I opened my eyes and looked at Stefan and Jonah. "I lost my connection to her mind," I said I was about to let go of Kennedy's hand when Stefan stopped me.

"Don't let go," he said. "Your connection to her mind was severed, but your physical connection isn't. We can get her back, you just can't let go. "

"How do we get her back?" I asked him.

"You need to use your telepathy to get through to her. She is trapped in her mind, she needs a guide to get her out. Keep in mind, that the longer you are in her mind, the more it will take out of you. Find her and get out as quickly as you can." I nodded and headed back into her head to try to find her. I mainly saw the darkness, I couldn't tell where I was going but somehow I sensed Ken was close.

"Kennedy!" I yelled out to her there was no answer. I felt a giant pressure growing in my stomach and I felt scared and panicked. I knew they weren't my feelings, they were Kennedy's. I could feel her emotions. I've never felt them before. I called out to her again. Still no answer. I felt my nose starting to bleed, being in her mind for this long was catching up. I wiped off the blood and I needed to find her before things got serious. I followed the emotions I was feeling, the closer I got the more I felt them. I saw her sitting there with her head in her hands crying her eyes out, shaking uncontrollably. I ran to her and wrapped my hands around her.

"Hey, it's okay, I got you," I said

"I now know why I didn't want to remember. I killed witches and just pushed the emotion out of my mind so I wouldn't feel guilty about it. This whole time I made the coven out to be the monsters when really it was me. I'm a terrible person." She cried.

"Ken, Julian was using you. He made you think he cared about you so you would do what he wanted. You did what you had to do to survive." I assured her. I felt the blood go down my nose again and this time, a massive headache hit me. It was like my head was on fire. I screamed in pain.

"Willa, what's wrong?" She asked me.

"We need to get out of here. Your mind is attacking me, the longer I stay here the more it tries to get me out. It's protecting itself and it thinks I'm here to hurt you. If I stay any longer, it will kill me." I explained.

"How do we get out?" She asked.

"We need to find the door we came in with. It's the only way out, but we need to be connected when we walk through, or else it won't work." I said extending my hand to her.

"Then let's find it." She grabbed onto my hand and we went looking for the door. Her mind was still attacking me, but I didn't let it stop us. I could feel my body getting heavy and the pain was unbreakable. I scream out again. We were so close to the door, but I can't go on. "What can I do?"She asked.

"You have to keep going, just leave me here," I said.

"There is no way I'm leaving you here to die. If you die in here I'm pretty sure you die in real life, and I can't live mine without you, Wil. You have been the only family I've ever had who has never wanted anything from me. I'm not letting you die here." She said. She helped me up and let me lean on her as we walked together to the door. We opened the door and walked through.

When I opened my eyes, I was on the floor and Jonah and Stefan were standing next to me.

"She seems alright," Stefan said.

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