Chapter 20

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When I woke up I was back at the house, I was also chained to the bed by my ankle. I guess we turned around when I tried to escape. Now that I knew his plan, I wanted nothing to do with it. I was right, I was nothing more than a weapon, I didn't want my children to grow up here, I didn't want them living the same life I will be living. I had to get them out.

I felt this intense hunger building up inside of me. Why was I so hungry? I was only out for a day. I also looked down at my arms and legs. All the cuts and bruises from yesterday were gone. I guess he healed me. I heard the door open and Julian walked in.

"How's my dear daughter doing?" He smirked

"I'm happy I stopped you from turning me into a monster." I said. He laughed.

"Is that what you think happened? You jumped out the car and I brought you back here? Oh darling if you think that you really haven't been paying enough attention. I took you to the witches, and they gladly unbinded your two sides. You are now officially my weapon. You've been asleep for a week now. Your body needs time to adjust to your new reality."he said.

"What? No this can't be happening." I said.

"Don't you feel a sense of release? Your magic is finally in balance, no more blackouts and no more flares. Also, I'm guessing you're really hungry. You have just awoken your vampire side, and it's very hungry. Here, you'll need this." he said, throwing me a blood bag. I could feel the hungry rising inside of me at the sight of it.

"No, I won't." I said.

"Okay suit yourself. Just know the longer you starve yourself, the longer you starve your babies. The witch told me the most interesting thing. When they unlocked your vampire and werewolf sides, they also unlocked the babies' vampire side, so they are just as hungry as you are, if you don't feed, you risk starving them and I know how much you care about them."he said with a smirk. I picked up the blood bag and reluctantly drank. The second the blood hit my tongue, I spit it out.

"Somehow I knew that would happen. Your body doesn't want blood from a bag, it wants fresh blood straight from the artery." He said.

"I guess i'm starving then, because i'd rather die than drink from someone." I said.

"Well, I can't force you. Let me know when you change your mind."

"What are you up too?" I asked suspicious of his words

"If I told you, it wouldn't be fun now would it. Well, I have some business to attend to, you are a good girl and don't leave this room." he said.

"What if I don't?" I asked him.

"Then my men will not hesitate to hurt you. You're a vampire now, I can kill you as many times as it takes to get you to be obedient. " he said kissing me on the head. I pushed him away.

"I'll kill you." I said.

"Of course you will." He said walking out the door. I struggled trying to get out of the chain on my ankle. The two men in the room just looked at me and watched in amusement as I struggled.

"Do you think you could take this off? I really need to use the restroom." I said.

"Do you think we are stupid?" one of them said.

"I don't think you want me to answer that. Besides, do you want to explain to your boss, my father, that I had to wet the bed and ruin these perfectly good sheets all because you wouldn't take me to use the bathroom?" I asked.

"Fine, but try anything stupid and I'll hurt you." He said. He unlocked the chain and walked me to the bathroom. I walked in and closed the door behind me. I didn't really need to use the bathroom, I just needed to be out of sight so I could get in contact with Willa. I closed the toilet seat and sat on top. I tapped into the babies' power and concentrated on her. Her essence was weak, I could tell she didn't have long before her body gave in.

"Willa, can you hear me?" I asked her

"Ken is that you?" Hse asked.

"Yes, look I don't have much time, but I needed to tell you I have a plan. I'm gonna get you and Jonah out of here. I need Julian to trust me so I can get close enough to attack him." I said.

"Hurry Ken, I don't think I can hold on much longer. Jonah isn't in good shape either, whatever Julian is injecting into him is really affecting him. Please Hurry..." she said. I was brought back to reality by the loud banging on the door.

"You have five seconds to open this door before we knock it down." The loud guy said. He was really annoying. I heard him counting down and walked over to the door. I opened it right when he got down to one.

"Can't a girl have some privacy?" I asked, peeking my head out the door. He pulled me out of the bathroom and knocked me to the floor.

"I don't know what you're up to, but I don't trust you." he said.

"The Boss said not to hurt her." the other guy said.

"He also said to teach her a lesson if she tries anything stupid. I'm just doing what I'm told." He said. I could feel the anger building up inside of me. This guy just pissed me off. With a very fast amount of speed, I was right behind him, and I knocked him down. Before I knew it, I sank my teeth into his neck and fed on him.

The second is blood touching my lips, I knew I couldn't stop. I held him down and fed until he could no longer move. I was still hungry, I looked at the other one and I pinned him against the wall before he could reach the door. I sank my teeth into him and started to feed, but I was thrown back onto the bed so quickly I didn't have time to think. The chain was back onto my ankle and I pulled as hard as I could to get it off but it wasn't working. I looked up and Julian was standing there with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Well, that didn't take long." He said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"I knew that if I left for long enough these two idiots would make a mistake and you would kill them. You're a lot stronger than I gave you credit for my darling. But I didn't think you'd feed on them."

"Why was I able to drink from him? I thought he was a vampire?" I asked.

"Oh those two weren't vampires, they were human. I compelled them to think they were vampires so it would give you the illusion they were.I can tell you're still hungry. Here, you can finish this one off, and I can get you more." He said.

"I hate you." I said.

"Oh darling I know, I just don't care." He said. I wiped the tears from my eyes. I will make him pay for all of this. "Now I think you can sit in your room and think about what you have done. I'll be back later to get you for dinner." I rolled my eyes. What a father he was, he clearly didn't intend on having me yet he jumped at the opportunity to have me birthed so he could use me as a weapon. I was really going to enjoy killing him.

I closed my eyes again and connected with Willa.

"Willa, be ready tomorrow. I'm getting us out of here."

~~~~ Hi guys, if you have been keeping up with my updates, you will know that I have taken a break from writing, but I am back now. Sorry for those who wanted more. I wasn't in the right headspace to be writing. But I'm back in my zone and more chapters are now on there way.  Commet 'MANGO'(in all caps)' if you actually read this authors note. Also don't forget to vote.~~~~

XOXO~ Hawa

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