Chapter 9

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I heard the cry of a baby and I ran toward it. They got louder and louder as I got closer. The trees seemed to get denser and the sky darker it felt like I was running forever. I got to a clearing and saw two babies laid down on the forest floor crying. I tried to go to them, but I couldn't move. I felt all the bones in my body moving and breaking. I cried out in pain as each bone broke and snapped into a new shape. I felt the pain of the sharp fangs coming through my mouth. My eyes turned golden yellow. I was becoming a full wolf.

Once all the pain was gone, I looked down and saw paws instead of my hands. I was now a wolf. I felt this insatiable hunger inside of me. When I looked up, I saw two children instead of babies, fear was in their eyes. I growled and they took careful steps back. I slowly moved towards them, they took off in a run and I chased after them. They were fast, but I was faster. I pounced on one of their backs and knocked them down. Their screams filled the air until there was nothing left to scream about. Suddenly, I was thrown back into human form. I looked down at what I had done. I dropped to my knees and screamed out holding the lifeless bodies of my children.

"Stay with those wolves, and this will happen. You will be the reason your children are dead." Leah said to me. Anger boiled inside of me.

"Why would you make me do this? They had nothing to do with this! Their innocent children!" I yelled at her.

"Come back to the coven, and we will make sure both you and your children are safe."

"I will never come back to your coven," I said.

"Your children will die, they are dying as we speak. The spell we cast will end up killing them and any chance of you ever having children ever again. Once your heart stops, they will be dead and nothing can bring them back. Come to us, come to the coven."

"Why am I so important to you? Why can't you just leave me be? What makes me so special?" I asked.

"Come back to us and we will explain everything. Take our offer and everything will be explained. We can tell you everything you want to know." She extended her hand to me. "Take my hand and I will help save your children." She said. I looked back at the lifeless bodies of my children. I needed to save them, and I needed to find out what the coven knew about me. I took her hand without a second thought.

I woke up in a hospital bed, Leah had told me a spell to cast to get to the coven. I could feel the black veins growing, I pulled the gown down and saw how close it was to my heart. A growing pain was forming in my abdomen. I started pulling the needles out of my arm and the wires off of my body. The loud beeping of the machine woke the two visitors in the room up. Willa and Jonah looked at me confused.

"Ken, you're awake." She said to me.

"I'm sorry, but I have to save them." They looked at me confused. I waved my hand and put them to sleep. I took a deep breath and snapped my fingers.



When I came too Kennedy was gone. Jonah groaned beside me. I got up and started a tracking spell. I cursed when it didn't work.

"What happened?" Jonah asked

"I tried to reach Kennedy without psychic connection but I can sense her. The coven has her."

"No offense, but considering she was the no who knocked us out, I don't think she went against her will." He stated

"She wouldn't leave without a reason. I know her. Look if you don't want to help me that's fine, but I'm going to get my friend back."

"Did you forget the part where she is carrying my children?" He said.

"I thought you didn't care?" I raised an eyebrow to him.

"Look, I know I tend to be an asshole ninety percent of the time, but I also have a heart. From the moment I felt that power from those babies I knew they couldn't be trusted in the wrong hands. Also, I do care about my kids even if I'm not ready to be someone's father yet." He said.

"I guess you and I will have to work together on this then. I can't track her, she blocked me out from our connection. But maybe, I can track the babies."
"How would that work?"
"Well for starters I'm going to need some of your blood. Since the babies are half-wolf, I can track them through your side."I explained.

"Wait, wouldn't the coven have made this conclusion also?"

"They will try to mask the babies' sure to make them untraceable, but the way I'm going to be tracking them will have nothing to do with an exact location. It will give us an area to search and we can figure it out from there." I said.

Okay, but if it doesn't take us directly to them what's how we will figure it out." I rolled my eyes.

"How can you be a part which yet knows nothing about magic? It's easy to get their location once we triangulate it. We look for a surge in magic, not places where there is a strong output of magic. That'll be where the coven is. You can hide self sure, but magical signatures are more difficult to hide. Now come one, we got a lot of work to do." I said. One way or another, I will take this coven down and get back my best friend.

A/N- Sorry if this chapter is a little short, I haven't really been feeling well and writing has been a little harder to do. I will be writing the next chapter soon and I will try to make it more interesting. Comment if you want more Willa and Jonah POV.  Also, what do you think will happen next?

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