Chapter 17

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I sat across Julian at the dinner table. I continuously glared at him as he ate, not bothering to touch the food placed in front of me. He looked up at me and smirked.

"You realize I can always make you eat right. Do I have to make my men torture your friends to get you to eat?" He said.

"I'm not hungry," I said.

"You may not be hungry, but your babies are. Your eyes turned golden a while ago, it's a sign they are hungry." He said.

"How would you even know that?"

"I've been watching you for weeks since you've become pregnant. I've noticed that your eyes only become yellow when those little hybrid babies of yours take over or when you tap into their abilities. Which I'm guessing you're doing now. You're angry and unknowingly tapping into their wolf side." He explained.

"You just know everything don't you," I said annoyed.

"When it comes to you, yes I know everything. Now eat," he said. Reluctantly I did. "You know I wonder, what compelled you to sleep with that wolf? You could have been impregnated by another witch or even a human, but you chose the wolf."

"You say that as if I chose to become pregnant," I said.

"Well, you did choose to have unprotected sex with the first man you saw." He said.

"I was drunk, I wasn't really in the right headspace.... and why am I telling you all this?"

"I don't need to know the details, I'm not really surprised. You've always been drawn to the wolves." He said.

"Does this have something to do with my father?" I asked him.

"More like your mother." He said.

"What, was my mother some kind of wolf hybrid?" I asked.

"No, your mother was a witch, but her bloodline isn't. Your mother comes from a long line of Witches, but before they were full-fledged witches they were hybrids of witches and wolves. After generations of breeding with witches, it changed and only witches were born." he said.

"So I'm from the bloodline of hybrids?" I asked.

"Actually your bloodline is very interesting. Especially on your father's side."

"Are you actually going to tell me or are you going to be cryptic about it the whole time?"

"I think I'll keep it to myself for now." He said.

"Fine, what about my mother? Since you seem to know so much about her, where is she? And how does our family bloodline affect me now."

"You remember when you were younger and you ran away from me, you ran straight to the wolves. You were drawn to them, you couldn't have run in the other direction and I probably would have gotten you back, but something inside of you guided you to the wolves and you got the escape you wanted. And now thirteen years later you find yourself pregnant with the child of a wolf. You and Jonah were drawn to each other, because of it." he said.

"So then I'm a wolf hybrid?" I asked.

"Oh no, your wolf side is non-existent, but since it is part of your bloodline you are able to connect with wolves. As for your mother, she is dead. She died when you were five years old." He said.

"No you're wrong, my mother left me, she told me she was never coming back and that magic was more important to her than I was."

"She said all of that because I told her too I also killed her," he said.

"You did what?"

" I told her to break your little heart and tell you she didn't want you. Besides, your mother never wanted you, you know she tried to kill you on more than one occasion."

"You're the reason my mother left me," I said.

"Calm down there." He said, which only made me angry.

"Calm down! You just told me you killed my mother and that you are the reason she left! The reason she told me I was worthless and that magic mattered more!" I stood up from the table knife in hand.

"Your mother had no love for you, she may have pretended she did, but she didn't love you," he said. I threw the knife at him and it went right into his chest. It didn't seem to phase him. He just pulled it out. "Did you think that would kill me?" He said laughing. "It's going to take a lot more than that." My anger was just building up. I rushed over to him and pinned him against the wall taking the knife and holding it to his neck.

"You deserve to die."

"Go ahead and try to kill me. I won't stop you, but as I said before, I die, so does everyone you've ever come in contact with. I will have them all killed and Leave you lonely with the deaths of all of those people in your consciousness forever. I may be a monster, but trust me being the cause of hundreds of deaths will also make you one." he said. I backed away from him still holding the knife.

"I'm not a monster like you," I said.

"Oh but darling, you are."

"I'm nothing like you, I won't hurt innocent people."

"You and I are a lot more alike than you would think. I mean you are my family after all." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"Darling, I'm your father." He said. I looked at him with wide eyes.

 "You're  my what?"

A/N- This is also another short chapter, but as you can see by that ending this story has just begun to unfold. If you read the first book, does Julian remind you of anybody? *Hint- their names are very similar*. Chapter 18 and 19 will be posted sometime this week stay tuned for those. And also don't forget to vote, and comment on this book.

~ Hawa

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