Chapter 5

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When I woke up, I was in a hospital room. I looked around and saw Willa in a bed next to me. She smiled at me."Morning sunshine."

"Where are we?"

"I have no idea, I woke up a few minutes ago. Whoever saved us from that evil bastard knows how to heal. I don't see one scar on me." She said.

"I think I'm the opposite." I pulled my shirt up. Her eyes widened at the scars across my stomach.

"What the hell happened? Why haven't your wounds healed completely?" She asked me.

"While you were unconscious, our kidnapper felt it was necessary to cut me with a weird black blade. He said because of the babies, I am developing werewolf abilities or channeling them. When he made that first cut, it felt like someone lit a fire on my skin. The more he cut the more painful it got. That asshole cut me all over. I don't know if these scars will ever go away." I said,

"I see the two of you are awake." The doctor said walking in. She checked us both before speaking again. "The two fo you are all healed up, and there aren't any underlying conditions. The Alpha will come and speak to you in a little." she smiled and walked out.

"Looks like you are going to have an awkward talk with your baby daddy."Willa laughed. Before I could say a thing, the door opened again.

"Can we talk?" Jonah asked.

"I will go take a walk and find some food. You two have fun." Willa walked out of the room.

"Go ahead and talk, I'm listening," I said,

"Look, I had my doctors confirm your pregnancy, but I just don't believe the baby is mine. You and I only had one night. Besides I've been spelled to never have kids so it wouldn't even be possible."

"Look, I understand that this shouldn't be possible trust me I do, but there is no denying that the things growing inside of me are yours. You are literally the only person I slept with in months. I have been through enough for you not to believe me." I said,

"How is it even possible for you to be pregnant, I've got every precaution there is against this."

"Simple, magic. Every spell can be reversed, besides, I get the feeling my Coven had something to do with it." He looked confused.

"Why would your Coven do something like this?"

"Because of the simple fact that they want me back. I left them, and they lost a great source of power. When I left I had to make them a deal, if I were to ever get pregnant, I would have to go back to the coven. Of course, I put a spell on myself to prevent such things from happening, but they made sure any magic that had to do with the prevention of babies was blocked." I said,

"Why don't you just take care of it?" He said."Look we are both too young to be having children. I for one don't want children until I'm in my thirties and my pack is in a good place. Bringing children into this world now would just ruin all of that. We can easily take care of it, and be on our separate ways." he explained.

"Wow, you are such a selfish ass. You know I came looking for you thinking that maybe you could accept the babies, and we could live in a safe place, but I see I was wrong" I said.

"Like I said, I don't want these kids, I want nothing to do with them.....Ahhhh." He was stopped midway and screamed in agony. Good he deserved what was coming to him. "What the hell is happening" he yelled grabbing his head.

"Your brain feels like it's melting doesn't it? Oh just wait, it gets better."I said emotionless. His veins started to blacken, he looked at me wide-eyed. "If you want it to stop, take back the words you said, accept these babies," I said.

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